New Girl

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Ross 's POV:

I woke up this morning to the sound of a dirt-bike. I looked out the window and saw a dirtbike flying up and down in the backyard across he street that my dad told me someone was moving into.

Tanner: Ross get dress we a greeting the neighbors

I started to get dress and wore my favorite Hollister shirt and slipped on my jeans and converse. I was kinda excited that the new family were dirt-bike riders.

Ross: Hey mom (kisses on cheek)

Danielle: Hey munchkin

Ross: ooo what are you making?

I reached my hands out for a cookie but she smacked my hands away

Ross: Ow

Danielle: These are for the neighbors

I chuckled and we all walked out the door. We made our way to the door steps and knocked on the door and a woman answered it.

Shannon: Oh, hello (smiles)

Danielle: Hi, we're the Lynches and we wanted to greet you guys and welcome to the neighbor hood.

Shannon: Aw, thats very sweet of you come on in

She stepped aside and let us in. Their house was huge there were trophies and signed helmets everywhere.

David: Hello

Tanner: Hey im tanner

They both shook hands.

Tanner: This is my son Ross and my wife Danielle

Ross: hey

Danielle: hello

Ross: you guys are riders?

David: yes we are, im a stunt coordinator in movies.

Tanner: Wow thats cool

David: Come on follow me out back you can watch my kid ride.

We all walked out in the back to their jumps they were about the same size as ours. Then a dirt-bike came zooming pasts us did tricks. Man, he was pretty good. He did a 360 and a front flip amd landed it smoothly. Then rode back to we were. They took of their helmet and flipped their hair. It was a girl.

Laura: Hey dad (hugs)

David: Hey Laura

Man, she was beautiful and had long ombre' hair and pretty brown eyes. I have never seen a dirtbike chick.

Laura: who are they? (smiles)

Shannon: these are the Lynches. Ross, Tanner and Danielle.

My parents waved but i couldnt take my eyes off of her. Her hair blew in the wind and her smile, god her smile.

Laura: hello?

I snapped out of it and i realized our parents went back in the house.

Ross: huh what?

Laura: (giggles) I said are you a rider

Ross: Oh yeah I race in motocross

Laura: Oh! I saw you yesterday. Good job!

Ross: Thanks (smiles)

Laura: (smiles)

God that smile.

Ross: so where are you from?

Laura: Miami.

Ross: Really I wouldn't think people you lived in Florida would ride

Laura: (giggles) yeah well I do more then just ride. I surf and I race go-karts. But I kinda like dirtbikes better

Ross: woah your amazing... I mean your cool

Laura: (giggles)

Ross: hey you wanna go ride at my house I have jumps?

Laura: sure

I smiled and we made our way to the house.

Raura: Dirtbike Chick (SLOW UPDATES)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя