That Night (UsUk) Chapter 15

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Alfred's POV:

I sat here alone as my boss took matters in his own hands. Now I don't know if I will ever see Arthur again....

Tears started to fall and I felt my heart start to break just thinking about that sad thought. Its probably true. Things were horrible not seeing Arthur at all and having to be watched by my boss 24/7.

I sighed as I just sat there useless. Then my boss came into the room wanting to talk to me. " Alfred, I know its hard to be taken away from Arthur ,but I just had to do it. I didn't want your country to look down on you ok?" he said.

" NO. I don't care anymore ok! I never cared about what others thought about me! I finally found my true love and started to have my dreams come true until all this bullshit right here started happening. And now thanks to you I am stuck here in my worst nightmare I have ever had. And I dont think I am going to get out of it any time soon."

" I am terribly sorr-" he began to say until I cut him off. " No don't you dare say you're sorry! If you were sorry you would have never done it in the first place."

After that it was just plain silence. Then I sigh. "Can you at least tell me where Arthur is so I know he is safe?"

"He is also being taken care of by his boss. I promise you he is safe." he answered back. I nodded my head ok as I saw him start to leave the room.

" I will think about it" he said before he shut the door. I looked up confused. "What does he mean by I will think about it?"

Alfred's Boss's POV:

As soon as I left Alfred's room I headed to my office rethinking about what he had said to me and how much he had cared about Arthur.......

All I was doing was keeping his country from looking down on him because of the relationship he was in.... Then I started to feel guilty about how I crushed his dreams. At this point I started to think my decision was wrong.

I should have never separated them in the first place . So who cares about what his country thinks about him. Its his choice not mine. So I finally decided that I needed Alfred make his own decisions.

I called Arthur's boss telling him about rethinking the decision. He soon agreed with me and we decided that we should let them be what they want to be and follow their dreams.

So the bosses change and rethink their decision. ;) Sorry I have not updated in a while. I just never got around it. And the chapter is probably not good but I hope you liked the chapter. ;D ~Mama Eevee (Nichole Moore)

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