Chapter Twenty-Six - The Storm (2/2)

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Late that night, Tahir was awaken by someone slapping his face and calling his name. His head throbbed, he was disoriented; he tried to stand but was soon reminded that he was chained to a log.

"Is that you Tahir? Are you alive?" Meelix shook him as hard as he could, not sure if he was dead or unconscious. "It's not bad enough that it's darker than night in here; do you have to be invisible, too?" The gnome ran to fetch the metal container of water from the corner of the cell.

"Here, drink this," he ordered, raising it to where he thought Tahir's lips were. "Do you hear me?"

Tahir let down his cloak of invisibility and reluctantly sipped the slimy water. "Yes, Meelix, I'm alive. Francis thinks I'm a traitor. He's right. I am a traitor."

"Traitor? What are you talking about?" Meelix inspected the source of the blood flowing down Tahir's neck. "This looks pretty bad, Tahir—good fairies! What happened? It looks like a dragon ripped your back apart!"

"My village. They did it. All this time, Meelix, all this time...I've been a fool."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm getting you out of here. Hold on, I'll return."

Meelix slipped back through the bars the same way he entered. Whatever was going on, he decided it best to remain unseen. His feet barely touched stone as he ran up the winding stairs to the main floor, scaled the wall and escaped out the tiny window he had come through. Someone so small could easily be overlooked in the busy castle. Even when he wasn't trying to be unseen, people rarely paid him any attention. He crossed the castle grounds, darting behind shrubbery, and then raced back to the forest. He whistled sharply. Within moments, Oraden and Ellic appeared before him.

"Did you find him?" they both asked.

"Yes, he's locked up in the dungeon. I don't know what happened, but maybe Destiny can get him out. Ellic, I need you to fly me up to the King's window," He pointed to the window, softly illuminated by candlelight.

Ellic agreed and the two left Oraden waiting in the forest for their return. Ellic hovered at the window and they cautiously peeked in. Seeing no one but Destiny and the ill King, both asleep, they silently entered. Meelix dismounted and climbed up Destiny's chair while Ellic hurried to the door to stand guard. She snaked her head out, looking back and forth, not quite sure what to look out for. She just assumed if she saw anyone, it was bad.

"Lady Destiny, wake up!" Meelix whispered, nudging her arm. "Destiny?"

"What's wrong, Meelix?" she yawned.

"It's Tahir. He's been hurt. They locked him in the dungeon!"

"What? Who did this?" she was wide awake now.

"I don't know. Can you free him?"

"Of course! Come!" She quickly rose and marched past Ellic, with Meelix running to keep up. The three hurried through the castle and down to the dungeon where two guards stood watch.

"Open the door," she commanded.

One guard quickly retrieved a key and unlocked the door. They descended the flight of stairs to find Tahir still chained up in his cell. She ran to the cell and flung the door open with a wave of her hand. With a nod, the chains fell to the ground and the log flew into the wall, setting Tahir free.

"What happened? Who did this?" she asked as she knelt beside him to examine his injuries.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he jerked away from her with tears in his eyes.

"Tell you what?"

"About my village! Did you think I'd never find out?"

"Find out what?" she yelled, rising to her feet. "I've spent the last three days with my father. You know that. What are you talking about?"

History's Shadow I: Legends Born (Tahir Edition) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now