The Idea

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Jillian's scream echoed around the firehouse, as Erin, Patty and Abby sprinted up the stairs.
"Holtz?!" Patty called out as she shoved open the bathroom door. She scanned the room then stopped. Erin and Abby crashing into her back. "Oh shit." Patty said, reaching for a towel. She threw it at Holtzmann, who managed to catch it.

"Was that..." Erin says shyly. Now that Jillian is wrapped in a towel, and was pacing around the bathroom. The shower now turned off. Her hair still covered in slime.
"A penis!" Jillian stated, "I have a penis."
Abby, sighed, "How did it happen? You had a vagina this morning, right?"
Jillian, stops and turns to Abby, nodding. "I sure fucking did."
"A penis can't just appear out of no where." Patty states, as she leaned against the bathroom wall.

"Exactly!" Jillian says, "But explain the one between my legs!!" 

The room went quiet.

It was Erin that answered,"Jillian, can you please finish getting washed and we'll figure this out downstairs." Erin clearly was feeling awkward in the current situation. She just wanted to have everyone fully clothed, downstairs while they discussed the issue at hand.
"I agree." Abby says, as she turns to leave the bathroom, "We'll see you down stairs, clean and fully clothed." Patty joined Abby and Erin as they headed down stairs.

Jillian, left alone in the bathroom, dropped her towel and looked at herself in the mirror. Had anything else changed?

What was different to this morning? Her hair still blonde, under the slime. Her eyes still blue. Two breasts still on her chest. She looked down, everything was the same except between her legs. 

Holtzmann, frowned. Gulping away tears. What had happened to her? 

The three team members sat at their desks, all facing each other. "How could Holtzmann randomly get a penis?" Patty says.

Abby and Erin shrugged, no one had any ideas. "What has she done between this morning and now?" Abby asks.

Erin leans back in her chair, "She uhhh, was tinkering with equipment from about 6am till about 10am. Then.." Erin paused thinking, "We had a bust, so she broke away from her work, at the old chines shop. Then we came back, I had to shower... Then she went back to work, only stopping for lunch, until the bust we've just been on." 

Abby sighed, "Could she have, umm... made a penis?" 

Patty lets out a loud laugh, "She's an engineer not a biochemist."

Abby shrugs,"It could be robotic..."

Patty laughs more, "Oh Abs, you think Holtzmann made a robot penis and removed her own vagina?" 

Abby roles her eyes, "I'm trying to come up with solutions and answers."

"Bad solutions." Patty jokes.

"Alright, we can rule out that Holtzmann didn't make a penis." Abby states.

The room goes quiet as Holtzmann drops down the fire pole. She looks over at her friends, who wave her over. 

She's wearing her overalls and a t-shirt. She looks awfully uncomfortable. She takes her stool from behind her work table and carries it over to her friends. Taking a seat. 

"So we've ruled out one possibility." Abby says, including Holtz into their discussion.

"And that is?" Holtz says, pushing her damp hair behind her shoulders. She had left it down to dry. 

"That you didn't make the penis." Abby explains.

Holtz nods, "Sadly I did not, or i'd know how to get rid of it." She frowns, looking down. She wanted to cry again. 

The room goes quiet for a long time, everyone in though. 

"Holtz, did you do anything differently today?" Erin says, thinking of something.

"I-i... uhh." Holtzmann pauses thinking. "I don't think so.."

Patty sighs, standing. "I'm going to make a coffee, anyone want a drink."

"I'll have a tea." Abby says.

"Tea too." Erin says. Then Patty turns to Holtzmann.

"Some umm water, please." Patty nods, walking towards the kitchen. 

Erin, opens a draw on her desk, "I may have an idea." She says, reaching inside. She pulls out a note book, pen and what looks to be a petridish. 

"Where's your suit?" Erin says, standing with her items in her hands. Holtz raises an eyebrow then says, "Still in the bathroom, why?"

"I'll explain in a bit. Want to see if my idea is right first." Erin, heads for the steps, disappearing up them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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