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Eunwoo's POV

I looked between the two outfits; the blue jacket and white dress shirt, the red and white cardigan, silently contemplating. Did I want to come off as dashing and sexy?
Or handsome and chic?
I bit my fingernail, unable to decide. The dance was only in thirty minutes and all of this was stressing me out. I was going to the dance with Lee Soohyun, the girl who had lost so much, who been hurt so much, and the girl who's heart I had vowed to fix. Slowly, piece by piece.

"Eunwoo!" I heard the small voice and turned to see my younger sibling, Youngjae. He bounced on his toes, one sock on and one sock off,

"Can you take me with you? Pleaseee??" His eyes stretched wide as he tried to be cute,

"I promise I'll be good! I promise Eunwoo!" He started jumping and tugging on my shirt, giving me puppy eyes. I laughed and ruffled his black locks,

"Sorry Youngjae-ah, I have to take someone else." I smiled and leaned down on a knee, holding his chubby hand in mine. He pouted, crossing his arms and looking pitiful,

"Awww. You never let me go anywhere fun."

I laughed and gave him a hug to comfort him,

"That's not true baby, remember when I took you to the amusement park?" I pulled away and held his shoulders, smiling into his watery eyes. He stuck his bottom lip out,

"That was a long time ago..."

Gently, I wiped away the tear that escaped his eye,

"Hyung will take you somewhere fun when I get back, okay?"

He nodded silently, then his eyes lit up as he saw the two outfits on my bed.

"Which one are you going to wear?" He jumped up and down in front of the bed, his black hair flopping up and down. I played with it lovingly,

"I don't know, which one do you like?"

Youngjae chewed on his sleeve as he looked between them, bouncing on his toes for a better view.

"This one Eunwoo! This one!" He pointed to the gray jacket and white dress shirt. His big eyes sparkled,

"Can I try it on?"

I laughed again and tapped my brothers small nose, shaking my head.

"Sorry,  I have to leave. I'll let you try it on later."

He just frowned at me as if I was denying him candy, which probably would be the only solution to his fit when I would return.


I was stiff with nervous anxiety as I rode the bus, playing with my hands in my lap and scanning the scenery occasionally. Would Soohyun think my outfit was too tacky? Would she enjoy the dance? Would I be able to make her smile and keep her tears from falling?
My stomach felt unsettled, as though I'd just gone on a roller coaster. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

My phone vibrated as I got a message from Sanha.

Cutemaknae(4:55): You're going to the dance?? Without me? TT

I shook my head with a smile, replying to the text.

Me(4:56): sorry sanha, I'm taking Soohyun

A split second later he replied,

Cutemaknae(4:56): REALly?! Omg are you guys dating? It took long enough.

Me(4:57): No, we're going as friends.

Cutemaknae(4:57): She asked you to go to the dance and you're still just friends??? Wow man

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