Day 12

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“I’m sorry”

“I don’t care”

“I’m really sorry!”

“I really don’t care”

“Please Alex I made a mistake”

“I know. Bye.”

This was basically my last few hours, Alejandro pleading with me to forgive him, but did I say not to double cross Duncan and I? Yes. I did.


I sat next to Duncan while he held the ice pack to his eye. Stupid Cody. But then as soon as we got back on the plane awhile ago Courtney went PSYCHO. And I mean like PSYCHO.


Duncan and I walked back on the plane after getting an ice pack for his eye. I’ll kill Cody later. “How’s your eye?” I asked.

“Doesn’t hurt all that much. Does it look bad?” He asked lifting the ice pack. Good lord it looked terrible.

“It’s not, the worst I’ve ever seen” I said trying to stretch the truth. He sighed.

We got into the dining hall and Courtney was there. She got up threw spaghetti on his head then went to the floor kicking and screaming and crying.

“You do realize I was dating him right!?” I yelled over her crying.

I thought I heard her say shut up, but she was sobbing so hard it was kinda hard to hear.

“Look I’m sorry but I dumped you a long-ah!” He yelled when she kicked him in the balls once again. Like must she? “Dude!” I yelled at her.


Duncan held two ice packs one to his eye and one down below. Between Courtney and Cody punching and kicking he’ll be broken by the time we get to our next challenge.

Tyler Owen and Alejandro though, were talking kinda quietly. I thought I heard Duncan, and Alejandro say ‘but Alex’ so……if they vote him off again they’re all dead.

I can’t believe they tried that before!! Alejandro looked up at me and I glared.

Alejandro motioned to go to another part of the plane, I tried to ignore him, but he started coughing a lot.

“You okay Al?” Owen asked.

“Ah yes, just a cold I’m guessing” He said coughing some more, I clenched my fists.

I went in the confessional /“Have I ever mentioned how much I hate when people cough? Yeah, well I do, like cool if you’re sick go die somewhere else! And Alejandro’s clearly just trying to get my attention”/

I let out a frustrated sigh and got up “Honey, I’ll be right back” I said to Duncan.

“Ah, refill my ice bags while you’re at it? They’re getting drippy”

I glared at him, when I’m pissed, everything’s annoying “Please?” He asked sweeter. I sighed grabbing both and pulling Alejandro up by his hair.

I dragged him all the way to the dining hall. “You’re a jerk” I said placing the ice bags on the table, Duncan was right, they were dripping everywhere.

“Alex how many times do I have to say sorry!?”

“You. Double. Crossed. Duncan. I thought I made myself clear in London!” I said spacing out the words so hopefully he’d understand.

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