1-The Release

Depuis le début

Don't get me wrong I never was a good kid. Just because my mom. passed, it didn't make me this way. I was born this way.

Once my fingers felt the bottom of the chip bag, it was my alarm that it was time to get up.
It was time to get black out drunk at a stranger's party then some how wake up in my bed in the morning.

Collecting all of my essentials then walking out the door into the dark city filled with demons.


My eyelids opened showing my room lit up with sunlight. My vision was blurry from the headache I was suffering. Grabbing my shitty phone off the bedside table and checking the time.

Wow, I'm actually not gonna be late today.

A large pounding starts in my head as my body attempted to sit up. Another day another hangover. My hand reaches for the gin under the bed. I've learned that alcohol and be a curse and a healing method.

Ignoring all the text I got because I just didn't want to answer them. They all wanted something from me, small favors that would take moments of my life away. No thanks.

I have to turn the ringer off when I go to sleep because my phone usually blows up and makes me wake up.

I don't get it don't these fuckers have something else to do.

My body seems to move like a snake out of the warm collection of cotton fabric and stuffing rubbing down against the stain covered carpet. Then using the last of my body strength, crawling my way to the porcelain bowl that my head ends up over every morning.

Then my hand reaches up to the sink vividly searching for the small bottle of pills that made everything better. While managing to knock everything off of my bathroom sink, I finally grab a hold of the Advil. Sitting up I pop two pills in my mouth then bend over under the sink and filling my mouth with water.

I mess with my appearance a bit before grabbing some clothes and purposely going against dress code. My soul craving the discipline coming my way.

Walking into school it was surrounded with people whispering . An everyday stereotypical high school. Students in their groups rushing around the halls, the bathrooms filled with gossip. Young couples fighting or making out underneath the stair wells.

Today was different they weren't talking about me. Something is going on.

My favorite teacher comes in my view and blocks me off. Mrs.Kelvin, a rude woman with medieval views on society. My outfit was especially picked out for her commentary.

"Ms.Garcia" She purposefully says my name wrong, not sure if it was due to racism or hatred but looks like I wasn't the only one who knew how to push buttons.
"You are going to be dress coded." She says pushing her glasses up.

"Oh i'm sorry Ruth, I seemed to forget females don't get rights when it comes to our bodies."

"Young lady you get-" she managed to get out before I cut her off. "What are you going to hold me against my will in a room where we have no goal other than starting at a blank wall for hours as a form of discipline," I say raising my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, seems affective," I say before walking off. I search for my locker in hopes for a small refresher in the form of a blue block covered in aluminum foil. Pulling my locker open, I vividly search for a gum packet.

"Yes found you fucker," grabbing the gum packet and taking one then putting the rest in my pocket.

Then chaos breaks through the halls. Whispering teachers and scandalous teens exploding with excitement. Then the school doors open revealing...

A God.

A tall build about 6 feet with a wide frame. Brown hair with highlights mixed into the color. A shiny silver angel wing hung from his right ear. Covering his bulky arms was a leather jacket paired with a gray hoodie. His chest barley cover with a white t-shirt, but you could see the ink practically leaking through. His skin painted with black scripture that could get anyone on their knees. Oh not forgetting the barbells on his pecs piercing through that thin shirt.

Holy shit Jesus has blessed me.
Well, my eyes.

And in the sight of all my deepest desires for a man, I gulped. I fucking gulped.

So captivated by this man, not noticing the other males entering the school. They all showed great promise in being promiscuous.

Suddenly pulled back to earth, I walk over to a pair of girls in deep conversation.
"The guys who just walked into the school, Who are they?" confused from my appearance they spare each other a look before giving me my answer.

"T-that's Grayson Dolan he just got out of jail today."

"Jesus grow a pair," I mean come on, what is she so afraid of. I asked a question. Then choosing to continue my adventures, I venture off outside in hopes of forgetting about him.

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson DolanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant