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Danielle was blinded by a white light when she tried to open her eyes. When her eyes adjusted she was looking up at a white ceiling.The bitter smell of bleach and disinfectant that filled her nostrils led her to believe she was in a hospital room. She looked down to find her leg in a cast, that was when she noticed that Becca and Luke sat on either side of her bed. 
"Medusa?" She asked both of them her voice cracking due to her dry throat.
Becca and Luke looked at each other and then back at Danielle.
"We don't know," Becca said.
Danielle's eyes went wide in confusion Medusa had to be dead, she killed her herself.
"What do you mean?" Danielle asked.
"We were both unconscious," Luke answered. "When we came too we found you in the observatory but any trace of Medusa was gone, no blood, no body just gone."
It was at that moment that Danielle looked up at the TV in the top corner of the room. A news report was on featuring her museum. She grabbed the remote and turned up the sound.
"It has been 24 hours since the lockdown on the museum ended and we have been left with more questions than answers. What went on in the museum during the lockdown? The only one who can possibly answer this question is Professor Danielle Cross who was found unconscious inside the museum and is currently recovering in the local hospital. The only theory is that Miss Cross attempted to stop a thief  from escaping the building and was injured in the process. It is believed that the Curator of the museum Richard Drake was the thief in question since he is the only employee of the museum unaccounted for, his whereabouts remain unknown. We will continue to relay information as we get it."
Danielle turned off the TV and looked at her friends.
"I don't understand, Medusa, all of the bodies, they're just gone?"
They heard the door open and in walked a man they didn't recognize. He was a tall man wearing a grey and white striped suit.
"Miss Cross, glad to see you're feeling better."
Danielle looked at the man in confusion.
"That remains to be seen. Who are you?" she asked.
"Nathan Reese, I would like to have a word with you if I may."
Danielle looked at him perplexed.
"I don't understand, are you a lawyer?"
Nathan Reese chuckled a bit.
"Far from it Miss Cross, allow me to explain. I represent an organization that would like to hire you."
Danielle was still confused.
"I still don't understand. Why would your organization want to hire me?" she asked.
Nathan nodded in understanding.
"Your confrontation with Medusa was quite immersive."
Danielle's eyes went wide.
"Wait, you know about Medusa? You know about what happened in the museum?"
"I know about everything that happened in the museum." He said.
Becca raised her hand as if she were in a class room.
"How is that possible? There's nothing about it on the news."
"There's nothing about it on the news, because my organization was the one that covered it up."
From Nathan's perspective the three people in front of him looked like three deer in headlights.
"Okay, let me start at the beginning. My organization explores supernatural events and sometimes the events go out of control as was the case of Medusa."
Danielle's confusion swiftly turned to anger.
"Wait, You knew about Medusa? You knew how dangerous she was and you didn't do anything?"
Nathan sighed.
"We tried to get to you when you were in Greece but we were too late."
The anger Danielle felt over the deaths she experienced seeing her friends turned to stone overwhelmed her.
"Please leave" she told Nathan.
He nodded in understanding. Before he left he pulled a business card out of his suit pocket with is name and number on it.
"If you change your mind please contact me."
Danielle took the card from him but did not give him a response as he walk out the door.

Danielle woke up in a cold sweat, she had been released from the hospital three days ago and Danielle had been suffering from nightmares about Medusa ever since. Every time she slept she had nightmares. She limped to the bathroom she no longer had to wear a cast but she did have to wear a boot. She splashed some cold water on her face on her way back to bed she picked the card Nathan had given her. The longer she looked at the card the more she thought about it these nightmares would drive her insane if she didn't do something. She finally made her decision, she picked up the phone and dialed the number on the card.
The phone rang a few times and a very sleepy sounding man answered.
"Nathan, I'll take the job."

Danielle Cross: Medusa's Wrath- by Mary Thornsberry Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat