Arriving at their estate was tiring but impressive. It turned out they lived on top of the hill with a beautiful view over the lake. The house a sleek white color, modern but also had an older feel to it. On the one hand, I wanted to leave straight away but on the other, I was very curious about this place and its history. There looked to be so many rooms that I thought I could get lost very quickly. The caring man and wife who I now knew as Anthony and Clarissa ushered us into the house. Stepping in I felt breathless, I looked over at my sister who also looked like she was in her element, we hadn't seen anything like this in a long time.
They took us into their living, which I suppose was one of many. "Please make yourself at home, can I get either of you a drink?" Clarissa kindly offered. I just sat there not being able to open my mouth.
"Yes please, could I have some water". My sister replied. It's nice to know she can keep it together when I can't. How could they just take us off the street without even knowing us? The kindness astounded me, it was intensely puzzling and my brain felt like it was working on overtime trying to figure this out. It had been about half an hour before we heard movement from another room and the door suddenly opened. A guy with fair hair walked into the room, I felt myself become guarded as I didn't know who he was, he was a threat. Our eyes met and he smiled, I tilted my head and crossed my arms. "Hi I'm Mark, I heard our parents brought you back here and I would like to welcome you".
Is he screwing with me or are they just all bat shit crazy. I felt like this was one big prank and I was impatiently waiting for it to all be over and to be back on the streets.
"Well I'm Jessica and this is my sister Megan it's nice to meet you too". My sister took the lead again, I usually would keep quiet and observe from the side until I needed to intervene. My sister looked over at me pulling faces at why I wasn't saying hi. I just sighed.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you too". Mark just laughed and I looked up at him and scrunched my face up. "Is something funny?". I asked.
"No, well yes, it's just you seem different than the other girls". I scoffed, who does he think he is. "What because I don't fall at your feet at the first sight of you".
My sister glared at me. "Don't be so rude Megan they have been kind enough to take us in, sorry about her".It was now evening time and we had sat down with Mark's parents to have dinner and found out they had another daughter who was younger called Chrissy. She was 16 and more suited to my sister's age and they surprisingly got on very well. It was very odd however as at the dinner table there was another set of cutlery but nobody had sat there, maybe they were waiting on someone else. I ate every last piece of food on my plate, we must have looked like a pack of dogs who hadn't eaten in weeks. "Thank you very much for this dinner, it was delicious". I was very grateful. I picked up my plate and went to take it to the kitchen. Until I heard laughter, I turned around to see what they were laughing at until I realized it was me. "What is it?". I asked.
"We have people to clean those up dear you don't need to take it to the kitchen". Wow, I must have looked stupid.
"Honestly, I really don't mind washing up, it's the least I could do for your kindness". I earned more giggles from saying that. They refused and said I was a guest in their house, so we all got down from the table and went back to the living room. I found a beautiful seat in the window which I longingly gazed out of. Whilst my sister and Chrissy were chatting and Mark sat in another chair on his phone. I didn't really want to be here, I felt it as I looked out the window. We didn't belong here. Jessica seemed to love it here and I didn't want to upset her, but we also couldn't out stay our welcome so I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder lightly. "Come on Jessica it's time we make a move". Her face turned upside down. "What, but they said we could stay here until we get back on our feet?". I sensed hostility in her voice.
"Yes but we shouldn't outstay our welcome, they have been lovely but we should get going come on now". I urged her.
"No, I'm not going, they want us here, even Chrissy said so too, I fed up of living that life, we have a chance to make something here, we can't just give that up". Mature words from my sister but it wasn't right. I was getting worked up and angry by the minute.
"You're wrong and we are leaving now, come on get your stuff".
"NO IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE if you want to go fine but I'm staying". I couldn't believe this, she had just shouted at me. Mark had put his phone down and Chrissy was staring at us bewildered.
I sighed, a tear creeping to my eye. Antony and Clarissa walked in after hearing the shouting, I picked my bag up and rushed past them before standing next to my sister. "Fine having it your way, I'm leaving."They were probably comforting Jessica by now and I was trying to find a way to leave this godforsaken house. It was honestly like a maze and I was a bit lost, to say the least. I had come to a corridor, it was different than the rest, some of the walls were a dark grey rather than just being white and modern, this was slightly more gothic and dark, it held mystery.
I came to a door that was slightly open and I peeked my head through but couldn't see anyone. It was a large bedroom, I had no idea what drew me to it, it was like someone was calling me. The room was beautiful with a couple of paintings hung around the room with a bed and a sofa and dressing table. I saw another door and that's when I heard the shower, I stepped into the room, not knowing what possessed me to do so. I wanted to take a closer look and it seemed I could find the way out of here so maybe I would wait and ask whoever it was in the shower. Probably one of their cleaners, I guess in places like these they have staff quarters and I probably ended up in them. I sat down on the bed next to the couch with my bag next to me, I noticed a book on the side of the table, I picked it up. Upon flicking through it I realized it was a John Green book, he is a great author, after having read some of his books. The book was called looking for Alaska. I looked at the front to see a message "I hope you cherish this and find what you are looking for, love always mum and dad". Wow, I felt really guilty for invading someone's privacy now. But before I could do anything my eyes were shutting and sleep was beginning to take control of my body, effectively shutting me down. In the distance I could hear the shower still going, it comforted me in a strange way. Somebody was near me and I did not know them, but I felt okay.Third pov
The shower stopped, the girl walked out in deep thought, across her room not noticing what lay on her bed waiting for her. She was dressed and went to pick her hair dryer up when she almost jumped out of her skin. Who was on her bed? Most likely her brothers latest conquest. Upon a closer look, the girl in a deep sleep had her book in her arms, that was private this angered the girl, although a part of her was calm watching the girls chest soothingly rise and fall. She watched her for a moment longer, before turning around and drying her hair for the next 15minutes. How long had she been asleep for? The girl wondered.
She had finished sorting her self out and just gazed at the girl, she wasn't normal she thought. Her clothes looked like rags, her hair a mess and the dark circles under her eyes indicated why she hadn't awoken yet.
Megan's pov
I felt a light tapping and shake, bringing me back to my consciousness. I opened my eyes,
Only to be met with ice cold ones that were not making any movement.

Give me your hand and I'll hold it (GxG)
Teen FictionMy sister and I are homeless, until a kind man and his wife takes us in... i was about to leave until I saw ... her I don't own the picture, it fits perfectly with the image of the girl in my dream.