What Could of Possibly Been Going On In Your Head.

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I woke up thinking of only one thing, It was the first official day of summer vacation.

On the last day of school, Ryinn, Jesslynn, Justin, and I usually skip the last day of school, because you never ever do anything.

I walked downstairs to see my Aunt Meah. She came once a month to come check on us. She was making breakfast for Ryinn and Justin. I was honestly completely shocked that the boys were awake, and it was ten in the morning. They did know it was summer right?

When I entered the kitchen Ryinn was the first to notice me. "Hey, I'm surprised your up." he said.

Maybe he thought today was opposite day, like he and Justin, wake up early and I sleep in, obviously, that wasn't the case. "

"Yeah, and I don't understand why." I said while scratching my head, which was probably a mess.

I looked at Justin, who then sent me a wink I smiled at the ground and walked over to the table we have placed in the kitchen. I was sitting between the boys, Justin, on my left, Ryinn on my right.

Ryinn was texting his Ex, Maci, like always. "Hey Aunt Meah I gotta go thanks for the breakfast but Justin and Nicole can have it." Ryinn said literally running out the door to his car.

"OK, I have to go to work it was nice seeing you babe, see ya in a month love you." Aunt Meah said while coming to kiss my forehead. "K bye Aunt Meah." I said with a fake smile.

After she shut the door I quickly sat up and shut the stove off, threw the burning eggs bacon, and pancakes out.

"I swear that lady would lose her head if it weren't connected to her neck." I said not facing Justin.

"Nic wanna go swimming?" He asked staring outside. Nic was my nickname from him it's short for Nicole,

Sure but don't you have baseball?" I asked while we climbed the stairs. I went into my room and Justin into Ryinns

"Yeah, but I wanna hang before practice." He said.

I walked out in my red string bikini top and jean shorts. I opened my closet door and grabbed Justin's birthday present.

"Happy Birthday!" I said handing him a box wrapped in green with a blue ribbon. He took it with a cautious face. "Just open it will ya." I told him.

Inside was a picture of us dressed up as total freaks. "Wow you would make this my gift." He said standing from my bed.

"Yeah well." I said with a kiddish like smile. Justin then put one arm around me and hugged me, somehow we ended up in a full hug.

"Um let's go swimming." I said to Justin. We went downstairs I went out to the pool to jump in.

Justin stood by the edge, I honestly had no idea what he was doing, so I ran up and pushed him, he grabbed my hands, which means I went into the water too.

When I rose up from under the water I splashed him, the water then settled and we were just staring at each other. Justin grabbed my waist and pulled me up close to him so our chests were touching, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What's going through your mind right now?" He asks

"I have no idea. " I say. Then, he does it. He kisses me. He finally kisses me.

Not a peck either. And actually kiss.

"I'm sorry if it ruined our friendship a little bit but_." I cut him off to kiss him again.

After a moment or two he pulls away and I feel him release my body.
"Nicole stop, we can't. You're my best friends little sister. I'm sorry. I can't."

I watch him get out of the pool and again I'm completely alone. Shocked and alone.

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