Chapter XI: ASAP no Rocky

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"Tell me what?" I ask.

"You know what? I'm leaving. Have fun with one another," Dean says.

He starts walking to his car and onto the driver's side. Why won't he tell me? Travis comes next to me and puts his arm around my waist while smiling as Dean gives Travis and I a glare before sitting down into his car and driving off. I quickly slap Travis's arm away and run back inside while closing the door in his face.

"Rocky! Rocky let me in! We can talk about this," his voice sounds muffled while it travels through the door.

"No! Just, just leave! Please.""Rocky..."

About a minute later, I hear a car door close and the engine starting. He must be leaving, hopefully. Slowly opening the door, I see that his car is no longer parked outside of my house.

I need to call Dean, like ASAP no Rocky.

He didn't answer after I called him about 3 times. Whatever. I give up. I don't know if he's mad or me or...

This is all too much for me. I need answers. It's about time that I take charge.

***Taking the lion's nose ring into my hands, I knock until Dean's mom, Jill, opens the door.

"Roquelle, it's a surprise to see you here! Are you looking for Dean honey?""Yes ma'am. Is he home?"

"He's upstairs in his room. But, he seems mad about something. I tried to see what was wrong, but all he said was 'Ask Travis'."

"Well, that is why I'm here. To see why he's mad. May I go upstairs?""Of course come on in. I'm just now starting dinner, would you like to stay?""No thank you. I already ate," I lied.

She smiles and I make my way up the stairs to hear loud rap music coming from Dean's room. All of a sudden, Travis walks out of the bathroom with gray sweats, but no shirt. I open my mouth to say something, but I have absolutely nothing to say. We make eye contact and I roll my eyes while trying to push past him. He just blocks me and pushes me against the hallway wall. Then he places his hand on the wall next to my face while leaning in. Such a high school cliche, I think.

"We need to talk," he says in a hushed tone but loud enough for me to hear him over Dean's music.

"How about no?"

He pushes off the wall with his hand and grabs my hand while slinging me into his room and shutting the door.

"What the hell Travis I need to go see Dean!"

"Chill out Rocky I just need to explain something to you before you hear Dean's side. Please?," he points to a black bean bag chair, "Sit?"

I sigh and plop down on the chair.

"Well?" I say.

"Well," he mocks again.

"Okay if you're going to act childish, then let me know now so I can be the kindergarten teacher and you're the snot nosed child eating glue."

Travis smiles and lets out a little laugh. Damn. If only he had dimples like Dean.

"I'm sorry about what happened back at your house. Dean and I were both wrong.""My main question is why Dean didn't want to tell me why he never told me about you."

"You will have to ask him that."

Puffing out air I say, "I should go ask him." Once I lift myself out of the chair, Travis asks, "How do you feel about the nickname Asap?""Asap? Like ASAP Rocky?""Yeah, but just the Asap part."

"So you're giving my nickname a nickname?""If you choose to look at it that way." He smiles and then winks.

"I guess that's fine.""Yes! Okay. You can go rescue your damsel in distress."

"Whatever," I say under my breath. Exiting his room and then closing the door, I come face to face with Dean. Great! Just great. Now he might think something is going on between Travis and I.

"Dean," I try grabbing his arm but he snatches away and brushes past me causing for me to stumble back a bit.

"Dean! Stop acting like a stubborn little bitch!"That made him stop dead in his tracks. Jesiah told me that a guy would feel disrespected if anyone was to call him a bitch. At this point, Dean deserved it because that's exactly how he's acting.

"Rocky, get over yourself."

I begin walking toward him and while holding out my arms. He just stands there and stare at me dumbfounded.

Once I reach him, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder. My dad taught me to be the bigger person, even if you're not in the wrong.

"I'm sorry," I say.

Dean then reaches grabs my shoulders and holds me out. We start staring at one another in the eyes. He pulls me in for a kiss and its as if the whole world fades to black and it's just me and him.

Once we both separate, he says, "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I-"

Cutting him off, I say, "Yeah. You shouldn't have. I didn't jump to conclusions with you."

Beep. Beep. Boop.


To: Rocky From: Jesiah

Can we talk?


Once again, I apologize for taking so long to update. I'm at a Journalism program in D.C.! :D Sorry if this chapter isn't so good. The next one will explain everything. Love you all and thanks for the support! xoxoChrissy

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