Chapter 13

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*Louis POV*

I quickly shut the door behind me. One minute I'm fighting Harry over who knows what, and the next thing I know, I'm staring at his eyes. Josh wasn't around and neither was Nathan, my other roommate. I went into the living room and turned on the tv. I slouched on the couch and put my feet up. I should be at my journalism class, but I didn't feel like going. Instead I took the day off from school. I changed the channel to CBS and How I Met Your Mother was on. I loved the show, it was hilarious and the jokes were inappropriate. I eventually fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, it was already night time. Nathan was back.

"Yo Tommo! You busy tonight? Cause I, ahem, have the stash." I rubbed my eyes and wiped my face. Next, I looked over at Nathan. Nathan was tall and pale. His skin was sort like that of a porcelain doll. He had a distinguishable square chin and detailed cheek bones. His blue eyes were complemented by his light brown, curly hair. He was also British and had some serious talents. In a way he was like Harry, but he wasn't. "Not tonight. I have a lot of things on my mind." "Then that's exactly why you should do it." "Nah, I think I'll just roam around a little." I sat up and turned off the tv. I got up, grabbed my coat, and headed towards the door. "Hey, if you see Josh, tell him I new to talk to him." "Ok man, whatever." I closed the door and headed out.

I went to the gym and worked on the machines there. I thought back to the fight in the hallway. I was weak there for a second, how did I let that happen? I never let anyone see me weak. I worked on my abs and arms and legs. The stronger I am, the better. After I was done, I took a shower in the locker room so I wouldn't have to do it at my place. After what happened with that prick Styles, I didn't want another incident. As I felt the now cold water bounce off my skin, I let my mind wander back to yesterday. What the hell was Harry doing in my room? Josh said he let him in, so he had an earful this morning. I guess it was also my fault, I was just there naked, but then again, I didn't know anyone would be in my room! I have been living with Josh and Nathan for 4 years, the things we have seen and done are far worse. But gahh!! Why does Harry have to be so annoying and clingy? Then it hit me! He saw me naked, cheeks and all. My cheeks suddenly turned red out of embarrassment and anger. I stepped out of the shower and got ready to leave.

Once I got back home, I heard some laughter coming from Nathan, who was probably to out of it to realize I came back. Josh was in his room with some chick, but I needed to talk to him. I leaned on the doorway and point behind me. "You need to leave." "Woah, slow down Tommo! Who says so? I was just getting know Jessica-" "My name's Lindsey." "-Linsdey here." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "I say so. I need to talk to you." Lindsey looked over to Josh who just huffed and got up. He led Lindsey out of his room and she left our dorm unaccompanied.

"Dude what happen to your face?" "What the hell did you do this time?" I ignore his statement about my bruised skin. "What?" "Why are you messing with long legs?" "Long legs?" "Don't play fucking dumb with me!" I yell. "I don't know what your talking about." God I want to fucking murder Josh sometimes. "Why did Harry show up at the dorm telling me that you beat up his dimwit roommate, Daniel?" "I don't know!" "God damn it Josh, now straight people? If you didn't know, Daniel is straight!" "He didn't seem like it." What an asshole. "Wait a second. Why did Harry come here?" He asks as I facepalm myself. "I've been trying to ask you that for the past five minutes!" "Is that why you have bruises on your face?" I stayed silent for a minute. "Curly punched you! Didn't he?" He laughs. "This shit isn't about me. Harry just randomly showed up." "And punched you in the face." Josh says still laughing. I flip him off and walk out of the room.

*Harry's P.O.V*

What was that? I didn't even know I had that in me. When Brock almost punched me I froze. How come I didn't freeze nor stutter when I punched Louis? I get up from the ground and walk back to my dorm. After the fight I really didn't feel like doing anything. I had a few bruises on my face with some blood on my knuckles. Once I got to my dorm, I felt weak. My face did hurt in all, but my heart just felt weak.

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