Rules and how to enter! + Prizes

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How to enter 

Each contest will have a certain theme or specific details you must add to the cover. If you don't add those details, you will not be counted in the contest. 

To give me your covers, you must create a book and the cover or a chapter of the book must have your cover you would like to enter. Send me a message or comment saying where I can find this cover. I will most likely check your profile for any books that are part of the contest so I can add them in. 


1. Play nice! No nasty comments or messages!

2. Follow me in order to enter

3. Your cover will be displayed on the following page. If it's not re-message me politely just in case.

4.  The 1st, 2nd and 3rd cover winners will get a PRIZE!


1st - 1 new follower, 20 votes (If I like the book) on any book of your choice (doesn't have to be yours), and 3 positive comments on any book of your choice (doesn't have to be yours).

2nd - 1 new follower, 10 votes (If I like the book) on any book of your choice (doesn't have to be yours), and 1 positive comment on any book of your choice (doesn't have to be yours).  

3rd - 5 votes (If I like the book) on any book of your choice (doesn't have to be yours) and 1 positive comment on any book of your choice (doesn't have to be yours).

Cover Contest! - {CLOSED}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ