Racing Day

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Ross's POV:

I was in my garage fixing up my dirt-bike. I had a race today. I started to ride dirt-bikes with I was five then i started racing at 8. I haven't really had any bad injuries I just broke my leg. It may seem bad but it really isn't to me.

Tanner: Hey son

Ross: Hey pops

Tanner: fixin up the 110?

Ross: Yeah i wanna race it today

Tanner: Alright, your mother told me that there is some people moving in across the street.

I just nodded my head and continued to work on the bike. Then my best friend Connor pulled up we have been riding together since we were 13.

Connor: Hey man

Ross: Hey bro

We did our handshake we always did


We laughed and I started up my bike.

Connor: you wanna test it in the back

Ross: yeah you have your bike right?0

Connor: yeah lets go

My backyard was huge it had a huge pool in the front and the back part of it was our bike jumps. We rode down to the jumps and did a few tricks. Then my dad called us

Tanner: C'mon y'all time for racin'

I rode up back to the house and started to get ready. I put on lucky dog tag and walked to the front of the house with my gear. Connor and my dad were putting my dirt-bike in the trunk. I slipped my boots on and zipped up my gear. I walked up to the truck and got in and we took off to the race.

Raura: Dirtbike Chick (SLOW UPDATES)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora