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She looks up at him and says through her tears "my water just broke."

Blake doesn't move or make a sound for a split second but seeing the terrified look on her face snaps him out of it. He slowly walks over to her not wanting to scare her. Once again he has to put his own fears and emotions aside to take care of her and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Are you sure sunshine?"

"It felt like I peed my pants, but Blake I didn't. It's to soon Blake. He isn't ready!" She says tears flowing like rivers down her cheeks

Blake is standing in front of her at this point. He places his hands on her cheeks.

"He is gonna be ok Gwen. We are gonna go to the hospital and he is gonna be ok." He tells her before pulling her into his chest

Blake takes her to their bedroom to get clean cloths on before carrying her out to the car. Blake asks Jen to pack Gwen a bag and to meet them at the hospital. The whole ride to the hospital Gwen has a death grip on Blake's hand and Blake hears the sniffles.

"Sunshine we are gonna be ok. He is gonna be ok."

It's not until they pull into the parking lot that she feels the first contraction. She leans forward trying to alleviate some of the pain.

"Sunshine breath. Here squeeze my hand." Blake says offering his hand to her.

She quickly takes his hand, squeezing it trying to cope with the pain. Once the contraction lets up Blake moves around to her side of the car picking her up and carrying her inside.
Once inside he informs the receptionist of the situation and it's just as a second contraction hits that a nurse comes out to get them. Gwen squeezes Blake's hand again as they wait for it to pass. Blake carries Gwen following the nurse to a room. Blake lays Gwen on the bed and the doctor is immediately in their room.

"So your 32 weeks correct?" Dr Simmons asks

"Yeah" Gwen meekly answers

"And you have been on bedrest for the last 11 weeks?"


"Ok so at this point I think it's time to admit you to the labor and delivery unit. We will go ahead and give you some steroids to help the babies lungs. The baby is gonna pretty small so I don't expect you to labor for very long. Let's go ahead and get you up there and then we will go over what to expect after delivery. Any questions?"Dr. Simmons informs

"Can't you just give me more medicine to stop my labor? He is to young. It's too early." Gwen's voice breaks at the end

"I know this is scary and yes he is early, but those meds aren't an option anymore. Your water broke so every minute you sit there with it broken the risk of either you or the baby developing an infection increases. We have had babies significantly younger born and survive. Your baby made it to 32 weeks, while not what we were aiming for, it's a milestone. At 32 week the survival rate is in the upper 90s."

"Ok thank you." Blake responds as Gwen has her head buried in his chest

The doctor leaves and Blake knows he has to get Gwen to calm down. This is happening now regardless of what they want.

"Sunshine." He says her name but she doesn't leave her spot. "Gwen look at me." He try's being more direct.

Gwen slowly pulls away just enough to look at him.

"I know your scared but we need to get ready for this. He is coming and no matter how scared we are we have to do everything we can for him, to make this as easy on him as possible. We are in this together. Your about to be a mom and I'm about to be a dad. We can do this sunshine, ok." Gwen nods she still looks scared but she looks determined now as well.

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