Chapter 2

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Lexis POV

Josie and I looked at each other as she dropped the phone. Our jaws touched the ground.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Josie screamed as she held out her arms.

"AHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed back when I jumped off the bed and into Josie's arms. We were jumping up and down like maniacs! Josie and I were 'Vine famous' I guess you could say. Well anyways the managers of Magcon had a meeting to decide if they were going to let us join the group.


"PINCH ME!" I said as I held out my arm. "WAIT DONT PINCH ME!" I pulled my arm back. If this was a dream, I never want to wake up!

"Okay! Calm...calm. We're okay, it's okay, calm." I pressed my lips together waiting a minute after Josie said that.


"AHHHH! I KNOW!!" Josie yelled.

After a couple of minutes of fangirling, we calmed down. This is absolutely positively amazing!

"Josie, the tickets!" I looked at her. She looked back with a 'oh my god' face. We jumped up and tumbled over each other running down the stairs. We chased after each each other to reach the mail box. But Josie beat me to it and I was salty.

"Junk, junk , junk" Josie said while tossing the ones that were junk mail.

"Uh, Josie isn't that your check for work?"

"Yup, but that's not important..." I laughed a little. "I FOUND IT!" She help the envelop in her hands and dropped the other envelops that where absolutely useless. I filled with excitement and got up in Josie's space bubble. I glanced at Josie a her eyes were filled with excitement.

"Two tickets! TWO FREAKING TICKETS TO THE BEGINNING OF OUR LIVES!! Oh wait, if we're going to make our flight we have to leave in 30 minutes."

"Great that will give me enough time to pack all me stuff, I'll run. Home and pick me up in 10 minutes okay?" She nodded and ran to her front door with the tickets. I waited until she was inside.

I ran. I kept running and wouldn't stop.

It took me five minutes to get to my house. I was finally inside and rushed to get clothes. I had a handful of cute clothes and ran across my room to my suitcase.


I fell flat on my face.

"OWW!" I screeched in pain. The clothes were scattered everywhere. I look to see what tripped me. A photo. I held it up. A picture of a familiar face, but I don't remember who it is. I throw it in the suitcase anyways.

"Buzzz" I heard my phone vibrate on my dresser. I got a text.


Unknown: hey, is this Lexi? This is Nash. Are you guys coming today? We could meet early and get to know each other?

I saved him as a contact and I texted back.

Lexi: Yes that would be awesome! We are leaving in about five minutes to go to the airport! Can't wait to see you guys!


I tossed my phone and my heart fluttered. This cannot be happening. Wait we have to leave like in five minutes! Crap! I shot up and ran to the bathroom to get all that stuff then picked up my clothes and packed them in my suitcase. I ran downstairs.

"Hey, mom guess what! Josie and I got accepted to a group for touring. We have to leave right now. I will visit often. And before you say anything I have online schooling and realize this is a once in a life time opportunity. So please be proud of me?" It sounded like I was on fast froward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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