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In the white of dawn

Jacob awoke to the groans and yawns of his brothers 

throwing off quilts and

quickly pulling on

morning-chilled clothes

It was almost October

a halo of bright frost ringing the small, leaden panes of the window

casting a diffused, snowy light 

into the room

Grabbing the poker from its hook on the wall


raked up the orange-hearted embers

that had burned low in the night

noisily ratting in the belly of the tiled corner oven,


poured washing water

into the porcelain basin, began to scrub his face and neck 

with a rag

Soon the room would be fleecy with warmth

and Jacob would tumble out of bed and pull

on his own clothes

A boy ready for his breakfast

Jacob kept silent about the dreams

about the sound that hunted through the house in the night, for him

in the bustle of morning it seemed


Silly dreams for his brothers to tease him about

                    if he let them

He closed his eyes and allowed the familiar cacophony

of morning

to blanket the sounds from the dream  

still echoing  


in his child-small ears

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