Barry Allen x Reader

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You're in your 20s

⚠️WARNING: Violence.


My boyfriend Barry and I had a huge argument moments earlier, resulting in me storming out of STAR LABS. The entire argument was about him not telling me he was 'The Flash.'

I eventually found out after investigating him, then further pretending I didn't know for an entire month, as I waited for him to tell me himself.

The last straw was when he abandoned me, during our date, to fight a meta, which resulted in me getting hurt. Even on a hospital bed, he wouldn't admit to me who he truly was.

He calls after me but it's of no use. I pull my earphones out of my pocket, ignoring him, as I jump into a train, leaving for Star City. I'd been promising to visit a friend, and now seemed like the best time to take her up on her oportunity.


Upon arriving to Star City I'm engulfed by darkness. As I wait for Felicity to collect me, I shiver in the cold. Wishing I'd actually packed better clothing for my stay.

"You okay?" A man in his mid 30s smiles as he plops himself onto the bench I'm sat on, a safe distance away.

I smile softly, not wanting to really converse when his brows furrow.

"Hate to be nosy. But have you been crying?" He asks and I shake my head, quickly acting as though I was fine the entire time.

"You sure you're alright? I'm a stranger, doesn't hurt to get your feelings out love." He smiles and I can't help but burst out crying.

Catching him completely off guard, I notice from the corner of my eye he's panicked and looking around. Probably never having to deal with a wailing woman before.

As he scoots closer, he slowly wraps his arm around me and just sits in silence as I mumble my story, missing out the bits where Barry is 'The Flash' and his actual name.

"Now I'm here, and he didn't even come after me. He didn't even try." I sob into his shoulder as he sighs.

He hands me a bottle of water and I don't think much of it, taking a huge sip, suddenly feeling dizzy.

"I'm sorry, I actually really liked you Y/N. It's too bad Barry had to love you, it's going to hurt me more when I have to waste your life." Eobard frowns, I try to move, speak, even keep my eyes open, but it's of no use.

Eobard's back is turned to me as he and The Green Arrow fight. Mustering up enough strength, the first thing I do is call Barry.

"Hello?" He speaks into the phone, the surprise in his voice evident.

"He's going to kill me." I choke out as I cry in pain. Confused as to what Eobard did while I was passed out.

"Y/N, babe where are you?" Barry rushes.

"Star City, the new train station." I whisper but Eobard's seen me on the phone and The Arrow is now passed out.

"Barry, he knows." I cry, the adrenaline and fear indescribable as he slowly approaches me.

"Y/N run. Please!" Barry begs into the phone.

"I can't. I can't move!" I yell terrified, only making Eobard happier.

"I'm coming, please. Don't die. For me." Barry begs and just as I'm about to speak, Eobard smashes the phone.

"I'm sorry." He smirks and then lifts me by the neck. Tears falling down my face as I await Barry's arrival.

Suddenly giving up on him when I can feel Eobard's vibrating hand reach closer and closer.

"Let her go!" Barry yells, breezing in next to us, dressed in his suit.

"I've taken not one, but now two very important women away from you Barry Allen." Eobard pushes his hand through my heart, gasping for tiny breaths of air, my body starts to decline, with intolerably ferocious pain.

"Y/N!" Barry's screams flood my head, slowly blurring, I can feel a breeze on my face, and notice the familiar ceiling of STAR LABS. The final thing I see being Barry, before I die.

Wishing I'd just listened to him, told him I loved him, but now it was too late.




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