I know something you don't

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-Fallon POV-

The Seelie Queen allowed me to go to Clary's ceremony to see her getting her shadowhunter rune. But she said as soon as she calls me I must return, which sucks. I watch as Clary walks down in a beautiful white dress and one of the Silent Brothers begins to draw her offical shadowhunter rune on her wrist. When the ceremony is over everyone applauds, gosh Jocelyn would be so proud of her.

We all then head to another big room (this place in Idris is crazy!) and celebrate.

"Congratulations Clary" I smile as I give her a hug.

"Thanks Fallon." she smiles back.

Isabelle then goes and hugs her next. Alec looked...happy for Clary, that's different.

"That's a pretty necklace Fallon, where did you get it?" Clary asks me.

I totally forgot! The necklace the Seelie Queen gave me so she is able to communicate with me. I doge the truth and tell her that I got it from a store.

"Fallon, is it okay if I talk to Clary alone for a minute?" Alec asks.

"Yeah sure."

As soon as I turn around to walk away, the necklace lightly glows. Which means she wants me to come back. I roll my eyes and sneak out of the room and towards the portal.


I make my way to the Seelie Court and hear someone singing. But I know who this is singing, Simon.

He can't see me! He'll tell Clary then they are all going to come and get me, which can not happen. I need to find out who I really am.

My phone then goes off and makes a loud ringing sound.

"What was that?" I hear Simon say.

I take out my phone and see it's Clary calling me, I pick up.

"Hey Fallon, where did you go?"

"Um. I wasn't feeling well so I left, this is a really bad time Clary. Sorry bye." I quickly hang up the phone.

"Don't be afraid, come out. Simon won't bite." The Seelie Queen tells me.

I slowly come out of hiding and Simon looks at me in shock.

"Good, you obeyed orders." She smiles. "Is the spear prepared?" she asks Meliron.

"What spear?" Simon and I ask.

"You do not need to worry Fallon."

She places two guards by my side so I don't follow them. I try to break out but then the vines start tangling around my leg. I keep yelling at them to let him go but it's hopeless. I watch as he disappears into the Wonder Woods.

A while after they finally come back but without Simon.

"Where's Simon?" I question.

"He is safe, heading home in fact."

"Just because I'm part Seelie doesn't mean I follow your rules." I tell her as the vines start to untangle. "I am walking out of this Court right now."

"You can, but I know something very important that you don't."

I freeze, she's lying right? But Seelies can't lie.

"What are you talking about?"

"Stay and you will eventually know, leave and you will never know." She smirks.

This is one sneaky bitch of a Queen.


-Simon POV-

I quickly leave the Seelie Court but I can't get out of my head that Fallon, is with them? Why is she there? Maybe the Seelie Queen has something against her.

I get out my phone and call Clary.

"Hey Simon, what's up?"

"I need to see you right now. Like right now. Where are you?"

"In the park with Luke why?"

"Stay there."

I run with my vampire speed to Clary and Luke.

"Simon what-!"

"Okay don't ask why I was at the Seelie Court-"

"Why were you at the Seelie Court?" Luke asks.

"I said don't ask! But Fallon was there."

"What?" Clary questions. "Why?"

"I don't know."


So school comes back today which means I don't know if I will post a chapter every Tuesday. I have written the next 3 chapters already but just so you know if I haven't posted in a week or a few it means I'm busy with school.


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