Chapter 6

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*******3MONTHS LATER*********

Marco POV: Me and Auri have been talking for 3 months I am so glad I went to the beach with them that day. Auri been staying at my house lately she hasn't officially moved in but she's always over here. Harmony and Miah got a baby on the way so Harmony moved in with him Alot of things have been going on in these last three months alot and I have to tell Auri sum I'm scared she go leave me if I do I guess me and Auri are a couple Idk I didn't really ask her if we are but we act like it. The bad news I have to tell Auri is I got this girl preganant this girl came over one night Auri went home and the next two days she texted me that she was preganant Auri was the first thing that came to my mind I think I should go talk to my ma bout this.

Marco's mom: Hello

Marco: Hey ma

Marco's mom: Hey baby

Marco: Ummmmm wellll I need sum advice and have to tell you sum.

Marco's mom: O lordy what is is.

Marco: Well your going to be a grandmother.

Marco's mom: Really i'm so exciteted.

Marco: But ma it's this girl I been talking to and I really like her but I got this other girl preganat and I dont evan love her or want her to have my baby.

Marco's mom: Well baby you don't have any chose to take care of that baby when the baby get's here that's your resposibility know matter who the mother is but You have to be truthful with this girl and I don't blame her if she leaves you but be truthful ok honey and I want to meet this special gal.

Marco: Thanks ma love you

Marco's mom: Love u 2


Marco's POV: Auri's not here right now so I just texted here to come over cause I have to talk to here.

Auri's POV: When Marco texted me to come over cause he had to talk to me I was scared I thought he was go say what ever this was was over but i'm not about to assume. After Marco texted me I went and got in my new charger I bought I had been saving up forever to get and I also got it spraypainted pink!

**********15 mintues later**********

I just pulled up to Marcos house and got out and rang the door bell.

Marcos POV: *Ding Dong* When the door bell rang my heart started to beat really fast knowing it was Auri at the door!

Marco: Hey Auri Baby

Auri: Hey Marco

When Auri walked in we went into the kitchen and sat at the table

Marco: *Sighed* Umm Auri I think i'm in Love with you and I wanted to know if you would be my girlfreind?

Auri: Yeah of course is this what you called me over for?

Marco: Nahhhhhhhh

Auri: Well why did you call me over?

Marco: Well ummm...... One night you went home and this girl called me and asked if she could comeover and I said yeah and one thing lead to another and she called me and told me she was preganant the other day.

Auri: * Left the kitchen and ran to her car*

Marco: Auri

Marco ran to the car before Auri could pull off

Marco: *Out of breath*Aur-Ri why you always running away from your problems.

Auri: Because i'm Tired of you breaking my heart when I first went on a date with you you broke my heart by kissing that girl and I gave you another chance. And no I don't want to be your girlfreind anymore. *Pulls off*


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