Chapter 40

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"Ryder!" Cora Harper yelled at thin air. She glanced at Drack who looked as bewildered as herself. The Pathfinder had used the Remnant console, yelled out in agony, and then...vanished. His body had faded, flickering like a hologram for an instant and then was gone. "SAM, what just happened?"

There was no reply.

"What is going on?" Drack sounded angry.

"Tempest." Cora used the radio, "Is SAM still active?"

"Yes." Gil Brodie, the ship's engineer said, "But we experienced a weird power surge from SAM's position here, and I'm assuming the same probably happened at SAM Node on the Nexus. What happened?"

"We've lost Ryder." Cora's voice shook.

"What does that mean?" Kallo, the pilot cut in.

"He's vanished. And we seem to have no SAM support down here."

"Lieutenant Harper," SAM came back through their radios, "We have a problem. Until Scott Ryder is found, you are now acting Pathfinder."

"Oh." Surprise, and consternation flickered over her face. She'd always wanted to be a Pathfinder. But not like this.

"I can no longer sense the Pathfinder." SAM told them.

"Then we need help." Cora commanded. "Don't come for us. Go down south and pick up Sara Ryder, Olivia Taylor and the Firefly team. They're Remnant experts and can help us." She glanced at Drack. "They're going to be beside themselves with worry but bring them here, as fast as you can."


Nina was first to notice the Tempest, heading for their camp at speed. "What on earth?" She called out. Olivia ran to her side.

"Research camp, this is Kallo of the Tempest. We have orders to collect a few of you." He rattled off their names over the comms. "Taylor, Ryder, Calon, Gaari."

"Kallo, this is Olivia." She snatched the radio from Nina. "What's happened? Did Scott order this?"

"Lieutenant Harper." He replied crisply. "No time for questions." Nina was marshalling people back towards the ruin as the ship came down, blasting sand and dust into the air.

They ran onto the ramp as it touched the ground, Vee and Nina following. Lyora had delegated control to other scientists at the dig and they left with quick efficiency. Olivia ran straight to the cockpit, Sara at her heels. "Where is my brother?" She asked, frustration evident in her voice, "SAM?"

"Hello Sara." SAM replied, "It is best if we do not delay and discuss the matter with the Acting Pathfinder on arrival."

"Acting Pathfinder?" Several people said in unison.

Everyone was horribly tight-lipped until they touched down again a few minutes later. At least the sites weren't particularly far apart. Olivia could feel her heart beating rapidly with fear. She ran a hand through her hair.

The whole crew left the ship to gather around Cora and Drack. She was looking from face to face with fear in her eyes, Olivia thought, and perhaps guilt too, particularly when she saw Sara. "This is the situation." Cora said, "We followed Kendra Croasdale to this ruin. It's a wreck. It looks like there was an Angaran camp here, but it's abandoned. We found Kendra's supplies down there, also abandoned."

"There was no power." Drack continued, "Except for one console. Ryder used it...and vanished." He described the sight of Scott Ryder vanishing before their eyes.

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