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Mikes POV
We all sat on wills couch in a bundle of bags. Well. I say all, we were waiting for max who is now 15 minutes late. Suddenly, an array of red hair, multiple bags and a shit came bursting through the room, shouting at each other, the shit being billy.
"I'm so sorry you guys, this dickhead ran over a cat!" She said angrily.
"What the fuck, BILLY!" Dustin said.
"You DID Let a demogorgon eat your cat Dustin," Lucas whispered.
"Not the point!" He replied. 
"We were late setting off so he was going fast as shit and ended running over a little cat." Max said, tears in her eyes. El crawled off of my lap and went to give max a hug, which pissed me off a lot but hey, what was I gonna do. We all death eyed billy, willing him to leave before-
"Cmon shitheads time to go," Steve said, coming out of the bathroom.
"Fuckballs," Lucas muttered. Dustin face palmed. El crawled back on my lap and whimpered, burying her head in my chest. I remember the night after el first went over to Max's; she had come back with a bruise on her neck after billy had gotten drunk and thrown something at her. The same night, I went over and punched him straight in the face and ran,  luckily avoiding any damage.
"Well well well, if it isn't Steve fucking
"Fuck off billy." I said warningly. El looked up at me and smiled, as if I was a hero or something. It gave me a huge confidence boost.
"Wheeler." He said menacingly.
"Leave him the fuck alone Hargrove." Steve said, standing in front of us protectively. Thank fuck Joyce and Jonathan were at hoppers.
"Or what?" He asked, challenging him.
"Billy seriously just fuck off you useless prick!" I said darkly. His expression changed. He grabbed el and threw her to the ground before swinging a hit at me. I ducked and kicked him right where the sun don't shine. He fell to the floor in pain. "Don't ever, I repeat EVER fucking touch her again, get it dipshit?" I said warningly.
"Everyone, grab your shit, lets go!" I said, pulling el up off of the floor and grabbing our bags. Everyone ran to the car.
"Holy shit mike!" Lucas said, holding max. El looked up at me in awe.
"Wow," she said and pulled me into a short, sweet kiss.
"Awwwwe" everyone said.
"MILEVEN IS MY OTP!" Max yelled.
"Wtf is mileven?" Steve asked.
"Mike and elevens couple name." Everyone said. Wow, holy shit.
"Yeah yeah," I said blushing a little as I pulled el close. It was 5:30am by the time we had all settled down. It would be about 7 by the time we got to Fox Mist so we got comfy. Dustin sat with Steve in the front, max Lucas and Will sat in the middle and me and el sat in the back. El was entertained by playing with my hair for a while before she linked our fingers, closed her eyes and listened to her Walkman. She was still in her stitch onesie and she looked absolutely beautiful. I just sat admiring her until she started quietly singing. She sounded.... wow! She sounded absolutely amazing.
"Everyone shut up," I said wanting to hear her more clearly. She sounded beautiful, like an angel or something. Wow. Just... wow.
"Whoa, who's singing?" Steve asked, clearly impressed.
"It's el," Will said, sounding proud.
"Damn she's good." Lucas said. Dustin was asleep and max was just staring up at her in awe. She wrapped her arms around me and looked up at me, smiling to see I was already staring. She looked around and everyone else was staring too. She took off her headphones looking embarrassed slightly.
"What?" She laughed.
"You were singing!" Lucas said.
"And you were good! Like, really good! Like the actual best I've heard anyone sing ever." Will said. Ok could he tone it down a bit?
"Yeah he's right," Steve said. I nodded and hugged her.
"Shut up! I'm not even good, I had no idea you were listening!" She said going bright red. She cuddled into my chest and fell asleep.
**at Fox Mist**
"Damn this is the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" I said truthfully, looking around in awe.
"Second?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, El is the first." I said without thinking. Ah shit.
"Awwwwe Oh my godddd that's so cute!" Max said.
"You two are just too adorable," Steve said grabbing Els really heavy bag for her. El blushed almost as red as me and leaned up and kissed me on the nose. If we weren't in front of everyone I would have kissed her properly but... wait... fuck it they'd seen it in the car. I leaned down and kissed her. It was short and sweet, just like in the car but everyone still went wild.
"Yeah chill out you lot," I said, rolling my eyes and smiling at the same time.
"But its just soooo cuteee!" Dustin said.
We had walked for quite a while now as el was clearly getting tired.
"El," I said quietly. 
"Hm?" She said, her eyes literally closed.
"Get on my back." I said.
"I can't! You won't be able to carry me!" Was she for real?
"Are you kidding your tiny!" I said. "Cmon,"
She jumped on my back and nestled her head in the back of my neck and swirled her thumbs on my chest sleepily while I caught up with the others. Steve had left so it was just us now. Everyone was tired and just wanted to get to wherever we were going quickly.
"Here we are!" Dustin said happily. El woke up instantly and everyone stood, awestruck. Wow.


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