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When we got done playing truth or dare Beverly went to the bathroom. We heard screaming and a muffled cry. We exchanged looks and walked down the hall to Bevs bathroom. "Your a girl, go in there she could have been on her period and died" Richie said "Rich you can't die from being on your period" I told him. I told the guys to step back a little while I knocked on the door on opened slightly. I couldn't believe what I saw. I covered my mouth and cried a little bit. There was blood everywhere. "Do u see it" Beverly whispered. "Yes I see it. Bev what happened?" "I was going to wash my hands and then...blood came out of the drain." I crouched next to her and hugged her. "We need to clean this up" "We need to clean this up before my dad gets home and sees this!" Beverly shouted. I helped her up and we went to get some cleaning stuff from the kitchen

 I helped her up and we went to get some cleaning stuff from the kitchen

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(What you saw when you walked in)

I don't like blood so i waited out side with Richie

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I don't like blood so i waited out side with Richie.
Convo between you and Richie-"Hey hot stuff" "Do you ever give up?" "Nope" Richie started rubbing my thigh. I know exactly what he was he was trying to do. He was trying to get me to moan and then he could make a big deal about it. He was going really far in, I moved his hand and just held and put my head on his shoulder.(awww oh my I want somebody to do that to😫😩😤). He kissed my head before laying his head on mine. "Richie" "What's up Princess" "Why me?" "What do you mean?" "Why do you like me. You could have liked someone else who's beautiful." "Because your beautiful and I like your personality" I looked up at him and stared in his big beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I could could get lost in them. I saw him leaning in and I followed his actions. Soon I felt his warm soft lips on mine. He pulled me on his lap and now we were making out. He was rubbing my outer thighs slowly. I had my arms around his neck. We stoped to get some air he look up at me and smirked. "Meet me, 8:00 sharp. My house" He whispered in my ear which made me bite my lip and nod. I got off his lap and laid my head on it. I saw something but I couldn't really make out what it was. I got a better view, I was a red ballon it was coming towards me and Richie. "Rich do you see the ballon?" "Yes" I stood up and Richie followed my actions. He grabbed my hand to reassure me that we are going to be okay. "Richie its back"


Basic {Richie Tozier X Reader} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora