Chapter 1

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I'll try to update as often as possible.
Well, this is the first chapter... Hope you enjoy!

    The year is 2026. Jacquelyn Ryker (Jackie) and Damon Blayne's families had been slaughtered in the first ganu massacre of 2020, since then they had always stuck together to survive. The night sky was dark, as it had been raining for a few days and the moon was covered by thick clouds. A narrow shadowy alley led to a wide abandoned waste ground. Vegetation grew over knocked down fences and metal scraps. In the dark, a dim light could be seen coming from a small shed. Jackie and Damon stepped out of the scrappy structure carrying plastic bottles. 

"I don't see any ganu in sight," said Jackie. "Let's go."

The two quietly walked out of the junkyard careful not to step on any scraps of metal or wood. As they walked into the alley, Damon spotted water dripping from a trash bin.

"Over there!" He said. 

He ran to the large bin. Water was trickling from a pipe and fell on the bin making a clang sound as it hit the metal. Damon took a bottle and held it under the trickling water. Before he could fill a little less than a quarter of the bottle, he heard a low growl. He turned around. Three ganu were not too far away.

"Damon," said Jacquelyn. "Move slowly, they can't see you, but they can hear you and smell you."

Damon nodded and quietly backed away from the terrifying creatures. But as he stepped back, he stepped in a puddle and slipped, dropping the water bottle. The ganu began to run toward them. Damon scrambled to his feet and ran towards Jacquelyn, leaving the water behind.

"Jackie run!" He called to his cousin.

"No, we need the water!" 

She picked up a metal bar from the ground. As one of the ganu approached her, she swung the bar at it. The ganu growled and threw his claws at her. Blood splattered and Jackie fell on the ground.

"Jackie!" Damon shouted.

The ganu turned around. Damon quietly walked towards Jackie. Blood dripped from her shoulder. He helped her to her feet. The ganu seemed to sniff the air and then turned back to them. It stepped closer and sniffed again. 

"Come on," whispered Damon. 

They hurried back past the angry ganu to the end of the alley. 

"Hold on," breathed Damon.

He leaned down to pick up a rock, Jackie leaning on his shoulder. As he stood up he threw it across the alley. It crashed against the trash bin. The ganu rushed to it, unaware of the two rushing back to shelter.

Back in the shed, Jacquelyn sat on a small wooden bench. She watched as Damon lifted her sleeve and wrapped a bandage around her arm. 

"I'm sorry," she muttered.

"Don't be," he reassured. 

He picked up the water bottle that he'd dropped before from the floor and held it out to her.

"You got it?" She said with disbelief.

Damon nodded and she hugged him tightly.

"You know what?" She said. "I'm tired of this, I want to leave Earth."


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