Parallel (Chapter 26)

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Chapter Twenty-Six
Mobilize and Strike

Cooper was floored. He still didn’t understand how Etta was able to astral project to where he was. It was something he, nor the Council, expected. Of everything they knew about Etta, they were not aware that she had the ability to astral project.

What he wasn’t surprised over was the fact that Oliver had gotten around to figuring out Etta was back in his world. It was expected and it was only a matter of time before he caught up with her. Cooper only wished he had prepared Etta better. Then again, she seemed to be doing just fine under the circumstances.

Cooper picks up his cell phone and called one of his most trusted operatives.

“You need to get over the Thornberry household immediately. No, not this one, the Etta reality. Do a clean sweep of the house. I want Oliver off the property. Do whatever you have to.”

He listened to the voice on the other end of the line as he himself prepared to travel over to the Thornberry residence. “No, don’t worry about that. She’ll be out of it for awhile. Just get there as fast as you can.”

Even though Cooper was taken aback by Etta’s new abilities, he had a pretty good idea of how it worked. If he was right, astral traveling left a person in a deep sleep after returning to their corporal body; it was the body’s way of recuperating. Upon waking, the person would feel as though the trip back was instantaneous.

Knowing this, he needed someone to jump over to Etta’s reality to buy him some time. He had to warn the Council that Oliver had Etta captive in order to make all the necessary preparations. His operative would ensure Oliver didn’t harm Etta in the meantime.

In a way, Cooper was glad Oliver had finally made his move. Now they were able to mobilize their revolt against his regime here in this reality. While Oliver was aware of Etta and her powers, he didn’t know about the Council and everything that has occurred here in this world.

In Cooper’s reality, Colonel Thornberry must be stopped.

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