< contest entry/proof of life >

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Guess who's still alive? I've missed all of y'all so much! <3

for was for starfragment 's contest but I realized I did the wrong faceclaim when I was already done so whoops if you still want it have at it but hey no worries

if there's anything you'd like changed feel free to let me know!

this was an imitation cover of deconstructivist poster I found online ^^ if you look up deconstructivist graphic design it's like the fifth image that comes up 

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this was an imitation cover of deconstructivist poster I found online ^^ if you look up deconstructivist graphic design it's like the fifth image that comes up 

OH IN OTHER NEWS I completed my first professional graphic design request! Go check out Colonized by Kimberly Tate on Amazon - that's my cover!!

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