twenty-one; a favor and a fright

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As the orange-tinted light began to make its way through Remi's bedroom curtains, she couldn't help but hop out of bed and walk over to the balcony. For some reason she felt different than usual. The once overwhelming thump in her chest was gone and her shoulders no longer had the anxiety-induced stiffness. It was odd, it was foreign but she felt... calm. 

She threw on a pair of leggings and a green henley shirt and walked downstairs, immediately being greeted by Klaus who was in the kitchen reading a newspaper.

"Morning, Klaus," she said and the hybrid immediately raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"Good morning to you too, little witch," he said slowly, trying to figure out why the younger girl was so cheery all of a sudden.

She walked over to the industrial-sized refrigerator only to be greeted by nothing but a few moldy loaves of bread and rotten milk. Remi immediately shut the doors and held back a dry-heave.

"What in the hell is in that refrigerator?" she asked and shuddered at the thought of someone eating what's inside of that war zone.

"Definitely nothing worth consuming. It hasn't been restocked in a few decades," Elijah said as he walked over to the coffee pot and emptied a bloodbag into it.

Rebekah and Freya walked in immediately afterwards and Remi leaped up to hug them. "Bloody hell, who put rainbows in your Cheerios?" Rebekah asked let out a chuckle.

"Well obviously none of you guys did considering what you have in the fridge. I'm gonna go to the grocery store, anybody want anything?" Remi asked before realizing what she just said. "What am I saying, of course not. You guys drink blood 24/7."

"Hold your horses, Remi. You're not heading off into the quarter alone in the middle of the afternoon. This is peak day-walker hour and unless you want your head served on a platter, I strongly suggest you stay here in the safety of the abattoir," Klaus replied and dropped his newspaper on the counter.

"But since we killed Elizabeth hasn't everything been pretty peaceful?" Remi asked and furrowed her eyebrows at Klaus's wariness.

"Exactly, too peaceful for Niklaus' liking. I presume he thinks someone is planning our demise as we speak," Elijah said, monotone, as if he weren't surprised by his brother's attitude. After all, he had been by his side for centuries.

"She's not wrong, Nik. Even Marcel has been saying how quiet the Quarter has been. For once, all supernatural beings are getting along," Rebekah said and grabbed a bloodbag from where Elijah was standing.

"See? I won't be long, I just need some actual human food and I'll come right back. You can even time me. If I'm not back within 15 minutes, then you can- I don't know- kill whoever you want?" Remi offered as a compromise and shrugged her shoulders.

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