I couldn't tell you, why she felt that way

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Emma's: POV

"Breakfast is ready!" called mom. I sat up in my bed and yawned sleepy. Then I went up and walked carefully downstaris.

I haven't got used to my prosthesis yet. I lost my leg in a car accident a year ago.

(Emma now)

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(Emma now)

"Good morning honey!" said Katie. "Morning mom!" I replied. "Have you slept well?" asked dad. "Well, I've had the same dream again about that day!" I said. "What was it about?" asked Paul.

"A man was on his way home from a party when he drove on a girl and he thought he had killed her!" I said. "Just forget it!" replied dad. "I can't!" I said. "My dear Emma, that man is insane and you can be happy you survived!" replied Katie.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it!" I said. "I don't want to hear about your stupid dream anymore!" yelled mom. "Why can't you believe me?" I asked. "You heard your mom!" said Paul strictly. "I hate you two so much!" I shouted and ran out.


Michelle's: POV

I walked around in Hyde Park to have something to do. Envy filled my body when I saw happy families who played with their kids. I wish I had a family too.

On a bench sat a girl with long red hair and I walked up to her. "Hello!" she said kindly. "Hey!" I replied. "Take a seat!" she said. "Thanks!" I replied and sat down next to her.

(This is Michelle)

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(This is Michelle)

"My name is Emma Cater!" she presented. "Michelle Thomas!" I said. "It's very nice to meet you!" replied Emma. "The same!" I said.

Tears filled her dark eyes when I told her I'm homeless. "May I?" she asked and I nodded. She hugged me and we cried together. My first real friend.

"You don't deserve this life!" said Emma. "I'm used to it!" I replied. "It's not fair!" she said a bit upset. "I'm okay Em!" I replied. "Do you promise?" she asked. "On my honor!" I said she and smiled.

"I think we'll be great friends!" I replied. "Absolutely!" said Emma. "Do you wanna come with me to the library?" I asked. "Of course!" she said.

We left the park and we talked and laughed. I'm so glad she's my friend and I could not be happier.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your character in my story.

I love their friendship so much. I hope you liked this chapter.


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