Chapter 5

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After about five hours later of BEN talking and explaining what video games were to me, I was finally saved by Slendy! When he picked me up, he took me to the room I woke up in, but now it was decorated and had my (fav/color) as the walls and stuff. There was a desk and had paper on it! Drawings lines that don't make anything yay!! He set me down and I started wondering around and looking at the things around. There was a closet and had clothes in it. Finally, some different clothes for once! I smiled as I picked up a long sleeved shirt and some shorts. I then changed into them and was all giddy inside.

Slendy’s POV

Seeing (f/n) happy was probably the most upsetting yet happiest time yet. The reason I was upset was because by the look of things, he had no other clothes on except that white outfit on. I should really get rid of that asylum near...hmmmm...


I saw that (f/n) was saved by Slendy and I was wondering where he was. Did Slendy take him to see his room? I walked in and sure enough! There he was, but he was in different clothes and seemed happy. I smiled, but he couldn't see it. When he saw him he "tsked" and looked away from me. "Oh come on you learned what video games are at least!" He looked at me and growled. "But that doesn't mean you had to be a prick and leave me to that idiot!" He didn't even notice that his voice changed. Must be normal? I want to know more about his eye...hmmm....I should ask him...

Hmmm I love when I now just heading home after a three hour opera thing I don't care how to spell anymore right now. I'm now going to die from being bored to death, being hungry, and from not even sleeping cuz of stupid contacts!

BEN- you still complaining?

*breaths in and out* BEN I'm going to give you five seconds to run.

BEN- you wouldn't da-


BEN- AHHHHHHH!!! *Runs away*

I win! Anyways I know this was short but I already explained why, so BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!


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