chapter 3: Big changes

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After my mom and dad split up my life didn't get any easier. We moved in with my grandma, and slept on the floor in her bedroom. My grandma is not a typical grandma, she doesn't bake cookies, and read you bed time stories. Instead she yells at you to clean, spanks you if you make a simple mistake, and takes away everything you have, to punish you. But how much punish does an eight year old need?
My mom finally got back on her feet and realized how neglected we were when we were there. My mom and grandma got into a fight and we moved to my aunt's house.
My aunt was really strict, but she was fun, and crazy. My aunt did have some issues. After about two months of us living there my mom came home from school and found locks on all the fridgerators. Although my mom understood why she didn't want us too eat all the food, she didn't understand why she wouldn't just talk to her about it, they were both adults. My mom worked every day and helped send my cousin to college. No soon after that my aunt went phyco and kicked us out of the house. This wasn't surprising but our next house changed my life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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