Chapter 8

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Marco's Pov
Me and Marco are dating
When I heard this words come out of star's mouth I thought they wouldn't accept but instead they just smile and clap
Wait your not mad..  Star said
No I'm happy cause you found your other half and the future king of mewni.. Moon said
So you accept my relationship..  Star said
Yes we do honey..  River said
Thank you so much guys..  Star said as she ran to them and hug them
So star how did you and Marco end up dating or how did you two declare to each other..  Moon said
Me and Star just looked at each other a blushed at remembering when we first started dating
Well that's a long story..  Star says
Well we would like to hear it..  River said
Oh okay well...  Star said

Marco's Pov

I was sitting up in my bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes for some reason I felt the sensation to turn to my left and when I did my bestie was there
Ummm when did she get into my bed..  I thought
But she looks so beautiful and peaceful when she is asleep and even more beautiful when the sun rays are hitting her... Ugh why am I thinking like that about my bestie oh no I can't... I can't be developing feeling for her
I was lost in my thoughts fighting my self about my feeling towards star when I gave in admiting to my self that I Marco daiz is in love with his best friend star butterfly
I laid back down when star wrap her self around me I could feel her breathing on my neck it gave me goosebumps
I looked at her and for some reason I felt the urge to kiss her but I hold back cause I don't want to mess up our friendship
After a while of debating with my self I just stroke her hair softly and just admiring her beauty
I love you my one and only star. I whispered softly
I looked at the clock and it said 7:50 I panicked a little but then remembered it was a Saturday and that meant no school
I eventually went back to sleep and Star just cuddle into me
(Time skip)
(Star's Pov)
I woke up to see that I was cuddle up with Marco at this point I was blushing hard that I bet if I looked in a mirror I would look like a tomato
But eventually calm down as I notice that he had his arms around me too
He looked so cute when he is sleeping that I could just...... Kiss him wait what star stop thinking like that he's just your best bud and he would never see you in that way or will he
But hopefully he feels the same way cause I Star butterfly has fallen in love with her best friend Marco daiz
I gently pass my hand through his hair and admiring his cuteness and how I wish I could just ugh kiss him
I looked at his lips and then at his eyes his eyes were still closed and I took this time as my advantage nowing this would be the worst thing I could ever do because it could go well or terriably wrong
I started to lean in till I felt his soft sweet lips I was just kissing him it felt like heaven but for some reason I felt him kiss back it was amazing wait if he is kissing back then that means he is awake..... Crap..
I pulled away and saw his eyes open slowly
I was so nervous that I could not even look at him straight
Wow...that was a nice wake up call..  Marco said happily
Wait.. Did you like the kiss..  I said blushing
Well.....yes it was amazing because it came from you..  Marco said lifting my chin
Aww thanks it was my first kiss..  I said blushing even harder
Well I'm going to take your second kiss also...  He said leaning in
Wai- I was cut of by his lips connecting to mine it lasted a couple a seconds
I can believe my crush just kiss me twice
Do you like me...  I said nervously
I was heart broken at his answer that I got up and was about to run to my room when I was cut of by Marco grabing my wrist

I love you star butterfly

(Flashback End)
So yea that's about it..  Star siad
Wait what were you doing on Marco's bed..  Moon said looking at us
Umm well mom you see when I have a nightmare or just can't sleep I sneak into Marco's bed and since he's warm and I feel protected in his arms I could sleep peacefully.. Star said
I just blushed at he last words
Well with that said I want you two to be married at age 18.. Moon siad
Wait! what? I said confused
I turned to see star she was smiling and blushing at the same time
Is there something wrong..  Moon said
Nononono it's just shouldnt a princess marry a prince..  I siad
Yes but in this case we don't care cause our daughter loves you and your suitable for king.. Moon siad
Well thank you your majesty..  I siad
We ate in silence till moon said
One more question how did you two come here? Moon said
Well mom you won't believe us but toffee is back..  Star said
No it can't be we defeated him.. Moon said
I know but he's back and more powerful than ever..  Star said
Star sweet I'm sorry but your going to have to stay here..  Moon said
But mom I don't want to leave Marco..
Star said
I know sweety so if Marco's parents give Marco permission to live with you on mewni he can come..  Moon said
Really! Star said with a big smile
Yes really.. Moon said
Yayyyyyy! Star scream and hugged me and kissed me
Okay Marco let's go break the news to your parents..  Star said
Okay let's go..  I said
I grab stars hand and moon open a portal back to school cause star had to get her stuff back
When we went through the portal we landed right in front of our lockers
I waited for star to get her stuff and while I waited I heard a familiar voice behind me
Hey Marco.. Female voice said
I turned around and was surprised by who just said hey to me
Hey Jackie.. I said cousously
Well Marco you know how we broke up and we'll it was a mistake to do that so please would you be my boyfriend again.. She said walking closer to me I just backed away
Umm Jackie I'm sorry but I don't want to go out with you cause we'll I'm in a relationship and plus I don't love you anymore..  I said getting pinned to the wall
Please Marco take me back..  She pleaded
No Jackie, I don't want you anymore..  I said trying to get away from her grip
So who was this girl who you are with..  Jackie said
That would be me..  Star said pulling me away from her
You why would Marco go out with you your nothing compared to me..  Jackie said
I saw that star started to tear up
Jackie you know what star is nothing compared to you cause she is better in every way...she is caring, supportive,  and loves me for being me.. I said defending star
I turned to see star who had smile growing on her face
Well I don't care you were mine first..  Jackie said
Actually that's not true I was stars first cause we were Ummm friends with benefits.. I said trying to get rid of jackie
What?! Jackie yelled
Before I could even say anything I got slap across my face by Jackie's hand
She started to walk away
By the way this is the last time you will ever see me! I yelled
She stop on her tracks
What? Jackie said turning to me
I didn't answer and just walked home with star by my side
Half way home star asked something that caught me off gaurd
Marco...  Star said
The thing you said back there what is it? Star question
Which thing star? I asked
Friends with benefits..  Star said
I stop in my tracks and started to blush really bad
Ummm well that's when friends that are not together like in a relationship do things that couple do like make out and other unmention stuff..  I said blushing
Oh.. Star blushed
We walked all the way home just talking about random stuff thank god thing didn't get awkward between me and Star after what I said
When we finally arrived home we entered the house and called my parents to the living room so I can break the news to them
When we were all sitting peacefully in the living room I clear my throat and began to speak
Umm mom, dad.. I said
Yes Marco what's wrong? Mrs daiz said
Umm well you see one of our greatest enemy's has return and Star has to move back to mewni and well I'm going with her..  I siad
Well Marco your old enough to make your decisions and we aren't going to interfere with your decision.. My mom siad
But just visit okay..  My dad said
We will once we defeat our enemy then we will visit okay..  I siad
Okay so when are you leaving..  My mom siad
Well we are leaving in a couple of hours.. I siad
Oh well we are going to miss you two guys.. My mom said
We will miss you too mom.. I said
I'm going to miss you too Mrs and Mr daiz..  Star said hugging them
I joined the hug after couple of seconds we broke away and headed to my room
Well I'm leaving earth to live with my one and only star..  I said to my self
I packed up some of my stuff and got my bag ready
Well ending one of my life chapter and begging one new chapter hopefully me and Star end up together for the rest of our life I thought
I went to stars room and saw her sitting on the guest bed since she changed the room back to normal
So.. I said as I went to sit next to her and put on of my arms around her shoulder
You ready..  I said
She just noded
Hey is their something wrong? I asked
No it's just that I'm going to miss earth alot..  Star said
Well I'm going to miss it too but I'm sticking with you and I will go anywhere you go..  I said
Aww thanks Marco for always nowing what to say..  Star said hugging me
So you ready to go..  I said
Yup..  She said
We stand up and went down stairs and said our goodbyes to my parents and open a portal with star's dimensional scissors and went to mewni
When we got there we just sigh and went to up the stairs of her castle to where stars room is
So star..  I said walking up the stairs
Well where am I staying..  I siad
Well I could make your room here or we could share my room..  Star said blushing
I prefer the second option I said kissing her
I'm glad you said that..  Star said kissing me back
We went to her room and laid in her bed since it was already night time on mewni

Hey guys I'm sorry it took me a while to finish this chapter but the next one is going to be a short chapter but it's going to be lemon so warning on the next chapter

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