Chapter 43: Mother Athena

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(Athena's POV)

My heart flutters like a little girl as I give myself a good look in the mirror. White frilly fabric adorns my torso and extends down to my knees in chiffon. The gold plated belt in the middle separates the top from the bottom, while the sparkly diamonds accentuate the top lining of the dress. Loose curls bounce over my shoulders and play down my breasts as I strap two guns to my thighs.

A smile curls my lips upward when I hear distinct footsteps getting louder that only belong to one heavily tattooed man who has me feeling some heavenly type of way. "Holy shit!" I turn around at his voice and notice him awestruck at my appearance, his blue, glimmering pearls unavoidably stuck to me.

"You're drooling, Mr. Azallion," I remark, shifting back to the mirror to grace my ears with pearls. "Better close that mouth back up."

"Shit!" He laughs out loud and enters my walk-in closet at a leisure pace. "You look... Holy shit! Fuck!" He chokes up on his words, coming up behind me. "Sorry, I forgot to breathe for a second there."

Letting out a suppressed chuckle from my mouth, I mumble, "Don't die on me now."

A humorous yelp of laughter leaves him again. "I won't." He walks around and stands in front of me, basking in my outfit while his attire screams casual and laid back with a jacket, Yankee hat, and joggers. "I love this dress," he sighs. "Too bad you won't be able to wear it."

"Excuse me?" I ask with a cocked brow, daring him to repeat himself.

"Easy there, tiger," he snickers, kissing my cheek. "You can wear whatever you want. I'm no one to stop you, but I don't think this is the best outfit if we're going to wander around the city in the cold and take the subway."

"The subway?" I snort incredulously. "There's no way in hell I'm getting in a filthy subway."


"I can't believe I'm getting in a filthy subway." I hold onto Eros' arm tightly as we enter the Q train that will get us to Times Square. My nose scrunches in disgust as I look down the aisle of people, some moderately sophisticated and some with half their body parts sticking out of their clothes, flashing an uneasy sight for all. The New York subway system is a whole world in itself. This one is fairly clean to the ones I've ridden in before, but the abundance of people in this compartment makes me want to go back home. Considering the fact that I don't like people, this is a nightmare. "Ugh."

Eros continues laughing like he has been ever since he swiped his MetroCard a few minutes ago for the both of us, urging me to swat his chest. "Jesus! Stop acting like you're going to catch a disease here." He rolls his eyes at my redundant behavior as he grips onto a pole to steady himself while I wrap my arms around him, using his body as my safe, clean pole.

"You better wash that hand after we get off. You never know what that poor pole has endured," I joke as he secures an arm around my waist.

"Hopefully you got a sanitizer in that little purse of yours."

"Lucky for you, I do." I nuzzle and hide my face against his chest from curious eyes that are perhaps beginning to realize who I am.

"You look so adorable and cute," he awes, referring to the beanie on my head, the hoodie and pair of jeans I decided to change into for this supposed date.

Looking up through my lashes, I flash him a scowl. "I don't do adorable or cute."

"Trust me." He squeezes my cheeks between his thumb and fingers, forcing my lips into an unattractive pout. "So fucking cute."

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