Chapter Three - Unsure

Start from the beginning

"Sorry. My shit isn't worse than your shit... it's just different." Noah's voice infiltrated the room. I looked up to see him leaning against the bedroom door. "Walking in on your best friend and the guy you love..."

I held my hand up and shook my head. "I don't love him." that was the one thing I was clear on now.

"Even still."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore Noah." I mumbled. "Thanks for the water and the advil. I have work this morning."

I worked with Mackenzie at a cafe in town, but luckily the only shift we had together was on a wednesday. Being a Saturday I knew I wasn't going to have to see her.

"You need a ride?" He asked.

"No... I usually walk to clear my head. Today I kind of need that." I murmured. Noah nodded and went to walk away. "Noah." I called out. He stopped and turned around.


"If you need someone to talk to, about the shit you're dealing with... I'm all ears."

Noah smiled and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind."

I got out of bed and dressed in my work uniform. The cafe was a thirty minute walk away and my shift started in 40 minutes. If I hadn't needed the space to think, I'd have taken the extra time to shower and accept Noah's ride. After everything though, I needed to think...

When I got to work I smiled at Harriet the boss. She held out a to go cup. "Tall mocha to start the day. Just how you like it."

I smiled and took the cup. Free coffee was one of the biggest perks of working in a cafe. The smell hit me with a refreshing clap. Maybe today would go okay.

"Thanks Harriet. I thought Clyde was opening with you."

Harriet shook her head as she lifted the counter top for me to walk through. "He's sick with man flu. I told him to stay in bed rather than spread it and cause a mandemic."

"Well, I think the two of us can handle the daily grind." I mused.

Harriet let out a laugh. "I see what you did there." She chuckled as she let the countertop drop down. "But we won't have to. I called Mac in to cover."

I froze in my tracks and let out a deep breath. "Is she here already?"

"Yeah she's out back." Harriet explained, she stopped beside me and tilted her head in concern. "Everything okay."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "I can't work here with her."

I placed the cup of coffee down at the same time Mackenzie walked out into the main area. Her eyes widened and she shot me a cautious smile. "Hey babe..."

"Don't babe me." I muttered. I looked back at Harriet. It was obvious to me now that deep down, Mackenzie gave less than two fucks. She would continue to try and make amends, because she assumed I'd accept it. "I have to quit. Because I know she won't. I'm sorry Harriet."

I left the cafe without explaining any further and ran all the way home. I'd have to launder my uniform and drop it off at a later date.

I walked home and flopped onto the chair at the kitchen table. I needed a job. I opened my laptop and searched through the student job search, but just like my lacklustre life nothing jumped out at me. I let out a sigh and ran my hands over my face.

"Thought you had work?" Noah exclaimed.

"I did." I replied.

"Mackenzie took on an extra shift and in the spur of the moment I quit."

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