Chapter 1 - Waking Up

Start from the beginning

Touching the long hair furiously, I noticed that even my bobbed-cut hair had grew longer to the point of reaching my waist.

I was not fond of long hair and why, why was my hair suddenly grew longer? Was it even possible for it to grew overnight in the first place?

"Mimi? This is great! You're awake..." a gentle feminine voice called out to me as I was freaking out over my own self.

When I looked up, my eyes were met with a familiar kind face which instantly made the tears I held started to slide down my cheeks.

Though her appearance was entirely different, I knew for sure that the gentle voice could only belong to my sister, Yuna.

Seeing I suddenly started to cry, the people present there was so shocked that they stood still like a statue.

Even the furious tall man who was scolding the doctors went wholely silent as he watched me crying my eyes out. His jaw tighten as he went completely rigid.






"Mimi's physical condition has improves fairly better but apparently, her memories is in a mess. I'm afraid that I have to say, Mimi can only remember things up until she was ten. This condition could be regards as amnesia. Could be temporary, or even long-term."

Yuna stood beside me as I looked upon myself in the body length mirror, still couldn't believe the sight I hold. She was talking to the cold looking man, explaining things as my doctor.

It turned out that my older sister had successfully become a doctor. But as far as I could remember, she was still in a boarding school and often time would just brag about how she would become a doctor.

I had a body of a fully grown woman - though I was a lot shorter than even my sister - with my ash colored hair grew so much longer than the length I usually had.

Though I could still see my old self mingling with the unfamiliar image, my image had changed so much that I had a hard time processing things in my head. Sighing, I stared deeply into the face inside the mirror.

I kept staring and staring as time passed by with no one tried to break the silence my condition had caused.

At first I was only looking through the right and left side and even the back of my body. But eventually, I started pouting, and without a care for the world, I cried and whined like a child.

"Mi-Mimi calm down. It's alright. Don't panic." Yuna pulled me into her embrace to ease me down but somehow it only made me cried louder.

I mean, I was basically a ten-year-old kid in a body of a twenty-two-year-old woman!

I didn't remember growing tall, I didn't remember going through high school and I certainly didn't remember how I ended up like this. Everything...everything was just in a mess.

"Mr. Clarkson, I think, we really need to talk." Yuna suddenly called for the person who stood silently by the window as he watched the messy me crying so miserably.

With a deep frown, he quietly walked out of the room, hurriedly followed by my sister.

After a few more soothing words from Yuna, I then was left alone, sitting on the bed with my head tilted up high to look at the white ceiling above me.

My head was blank as I tried to look for any remaining memories of the latest event in my life but to no avail, not a single image of my current life did come back.

The last thing that I seemed to remember was...that boy, that Gai, did we became friends? They said I was already twenty-two, so for all these years, did we became close somehow?

Or, did that time when he willingly talked to me, was only a one time moment? And, what happened to me that I ended up like this?

Why couldn't I remember?

I needed to remember.

But was it true that years had already past?

I couldn't remember even as I forced myself to try harder and squeezed out the buried memories that I thought might be somewhere hidden in my head.

I only managed to gain some annoying pain in my head though, as I tried to make them work too much apparently which resulted to me crying again.

The room suddenly felt huge with me alone on the bed, as the depth of my heart crept with the coldness of a loner. In my life, I had never felt so vulnerable, so alone...and so empty.

Why did things became this way? Why?





BTW, I really appreciate the fact that you're willing to read my humble work, so yeah, thanks a bunch!

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