I jogged to keep up with Cecilia, she was almost at the top of the stairs now, the boys right behind her. 

Probably enjoying that a little too much. 

We reached our room and Cecilia ushered everyone in, allowing me to go first. She flashed me a secret grin when I walked past her and I rolled my eyes. Yup. She was in love. Probably with all of them. And I couldn’t blame her... 

Stop that! You have Josh! My subconscious reminded me. I grimaced. He didn’t appeal to me very much. No, I had seen One Direction in the flesh.

I flopped onto the couch, rubbing my temples. I felt the sofa shake as someone sat down next to me. A quick peek through my fingers confirmed my worst fears. It was Harry. 

I moved my hands to my lap and looked away from him. I looked anywhere that didn’t involve those hypnotizing green eyes. 

“Do I know you?” Harry said from next to me. Oh my gosh. Oh no. He recognized me.

So I turned to him and stared right into his eyes. And then I heard someone laugh. Wait. That was me laughing. Oh no. And now my mouth was speaking. “No! I’ve never met you before!”

Phew. Apparently my body could function sensibly without my mental input. I regained control of myself and jumped off the couch. I turned my back on Harry and motioned for the other four boys to join him on the couch. They obliged, obviously remembering their promise to behave. I took up a position in front of them, like a drill sergeant. 

I guess they were expecting me to say something, but I weakly turned, blushing yet again, to Cecilia. 

“Sleeping arrangements?” I squeaked. She nodded, taking control again. 

“There’s only two beds.” She stated. She pointed to me, then back to herself. “We will take one, and you guys can figure out who shares the other. Someone can sleep on the sofa, and I will be right back with two sleeping bags.” 

And with that, she walked out the door, leaving me with five boys staring awkwardly at me. 

I felt a blush coming on but banished it. I was getting better at this! 

I cleared my throat. “You heard Cecilia! Figure out who sleeps where!” 

The boys sprang into action, Louis and Harry claiming the bed, Zayn claiming the sofa, leaving Niall and Liam to use the sleeping bags. 

Cecilia returned with two sleeping bags, borrowed from next door. One was green and the other... I actually laughed when I saw the other. It was a One Direction sleeping bag. 

“Dibs on the green!” Niall shouted, lunging for it. He looked at Cecilia as he snatched from her. “I’m Irish, ya know.” He winked. 

She rolled her eyes and handed Liam the One Direction sleeping bag with a smirk. 

I claimed the tiny bathroom and got ready for bed. OMG. What a day! First I graduate, and now One Direction are spending the night with me! 

I brushed my teeth, taking more time then needed, and then I could stall no more. I took in a deep breath, smiled encouragingly at my reflection, and went back out into the apartment. It really was just a room, the kitchen, TV, and beds were all crammed together, only the bathroom was separate. 

I calmly walked over to my bed and threw my clothes in the wash basket. Embarrassingly, my jeans missed, and fell on the floor. I sighed and bent over to pick them up. I hurriedly straightened when someone wolf-whistled from behind me. 

There was no stopping the blush this time. I quickly dove into my bed. I hadn’t been thinking straight when I put on those tiny shorts! 

Cecilia walked out from the kitchen with a tray of hot-chocolate mugs. I noticed there was only six. She paused, glowering at each of the boys in turn. 

“Who just whistled?” She demanded. Harry turned noticeably red from over in Cecilia’s bed. She grinned, kinda evilly. “No hot chocolate for you.” Harry pouted, then smiled a goofy smile at me. I just pulled the blankets over my head. Ok, so he definitely didn’t remember me! That was such a relief! I just wanted to forget all about him. It was such a silly crush... 

The blankets were lifted off of me by Niall. “Hot chocolate?” He offered, shoving a mug at me. 

I shook my head, then added, “You can have it.” He seemed happy enough with that, and dropped the blankets back over me. 

I listened to the boys talking about what they were going to do tomorrow, and Cecilia finally telling them to go to sleep. I heard the light switch being flicked off, and then Cecilia slid into bed with me. I rolled over so that I was facing her. 

“They’ll be gone by tomorrow, babe.” She whispered in my ear. I breathed a sigh. She was, once again, right. They would be gone, and then I could stop acting like a shy 5 year old and start acting like an 18 year old again. 

Louis yawned from the other bed. “Night Harry! Night Niall, Liam, Zayn, Cecilia and....”

“Jenna.” I supplied sleepily, not thinking straight. I mentally slapped myself. I wasn’t going to tell them my name!

A lamp flicked on, and Harry sat up in bed. “Your name is Jenna?”

Uh oh.

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