Frog Princess Ch. 13

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"Great. You'll meet Austin." I said.

"You mean that guy you were making out with on the porch a few months ago?"

"Yea." I got a call. It was Austin.


"Hi." He said.

"SO what's up?"

"Can I meet your parents?"

"What? Tonight?"

"Yea, I mean we've been dating for a few months now and I don't think they've met me in the proper way. The last time your mom saw me was when we kissed on your porch." He said. It was all happening so fast and soon enough we made plans for him to come over.

"So 7 then?" he asked.

"7 is great. Bye." I said. I hung up.

"So who was that?"

"Austin. HE wants to come over for dinner." I said.

"Tonight?" asked Jake.

"Yea." I said.

"Tonight Evelyn is coming over." said Jake.

"So? Mom and dad can meet both our boyfriends."

"Ha ha very funny." He said. I went downstairs to inform my parents on the details. They approved. Everyone dressed nicely for dinner. I wore my grey long sleeved shirt with my blue skirt and black ankle boots with an oversized ring. I went downstairs right when I heard the door bell. I opened the door and there was Austin looking as perfect as ever.

"Hey. You look great." I said.

"So do you. " He said.

"Come in." I said. He walked in and I took his coat and placed it on the rack.

"I feel like I'm gunna puke."

"Don't worry. They'll love you." I said. I pecked him on the cheek and my family came to the door.

"Hello! I'm Mrs. Jackson." said my mother.

"I'm Mr. Jackson. That's a nice firm handshake you got there." God, he's so embarrassing.

"Hey, I'm Jake. If you hurt my sister I'll kill you and make it look like an accident." said Jake. Austin looked scared. "Oh I'm just kidding!! But seriously if you hurt her I'll gut you like a trout and serve you for dinner. Ha! I got you again!" Lexy didn't bother introducing herself figuring they know each other. We all sat down in the living room and when Evelyn we all had dinner. She was a total ditz and she was gross. She may have looked smart like a normal person but trust me she is the farthest thing from normal. My mom brought out her most amazing lasagna and salad for dinner. We were all eating and Austin said,

"This lasagna is amazing Mrs. Jackson. The meat is just so good." He's such a gentleman.

"Did you know most beef comes from butt? So right now we're most likely eating cow ass and cheese." said Evelyn.

"Evelyn!" said Jake. We all just ate our dinner slowly thinking about the cow ass we were eating. Then suddenly in the middle of dinner we all talking about whatever and Evelyn just bursts out into laughter.

"Jake, what the hell is wrong with your girlfriend? Is she like under the influence?" asked Lexy. I started laughing. Evelyn stared at me darkly. We all proceeded to dessert and we had some frozen yogurt.

"Mmmm! This tastes just like Vanilla yogurt! What is this?" asked Evelyn stupidly.

"It's frozen Vanilla yogurt! What the hell do you think it is? Piss?" asked Lexy annoyed. Then she was sitting like a guy with her legs open and what not. Evelyn wasn't even wearing underwear! We could all see her business. I swear she was under the influence!!

"Eww I have a pimple on my arm. POPPED IT!!" said Evelyn. We were all disgusted.

"Evelyn, I should've said this a long time ago...GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!" yelled Lexy. Austin and I just busted into laughter!

"Lexy, that's not even cool." said Jake.

"No! I have had it with your idiotic and disgusting girlfriend! And Evelyn next time if you're not gonna wear underwear use some Vagisil!" said Lexy. I just started laughing even more.

"It's not funny Riley!" said Jake.

"Oh well I'm gonna keep laughing 'til it is!" I said.

"I'm leaving!" said Evelyn grabbing her purse.

"Yea, good bye Smelly Crotch!" said Lexy. Jake just chased after her like a little lost puppy.

"And that's how you properly kick someone out!" announced Lexy proudly. I gave her a Hi-5. My mom was too disgusted to even speak all she said was

"I need to bathe." My dad just went back to watch the game. Later when it was time for Austin to go I walked him out to his car.

"That dinner was interesting." said Austin.

"Yea. I'm sorry about Evelyn." I said.

"I'm not sure if I forgive you." He said.

"Would you forgive if I did this?" I said as I kissed him.

"I don't know yet." He said. I kissed him again then my dad interrupted us.

"Am I interrupting something?" asked my dad.

"Uh no Mr. Jackson. We were just finishing up. Can you please see me on Sunday?" asked Austin.

"Sure bye." I said. He went into his car and drove away.

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