" Do you have to?" Aunt Catelyn asked

"He swore an oath, Cat." He said to her

"The law is law, my lady." Rodrick said

"Tell Bran he's coming, too." Uncle Ned said as I looked at him. Rodrick nodded and departed as well.

"Does Visenya have to go? She's injured." Aunt Catelyn asked

"She will be the future Wardeness Of the North. She must see how things are done. Visenya go grab your cloak." Uncle Ned said nodding over towards the castle. I nodded grabbing my things and quickly left them to their conversation.

I limped all the way towards my room. I left my things on my bed as a soft knock rang through the room.

"Come in." I said as Rhaenyra poked her head in.

"And where are you limping off too in such a hurry?" She asked closing the door behind her.

"There's been a deserter from the Night's watch." I said hurrying to my closet.

"Oh no." Rhaenyra said as she grabbed my cloak. I grabbed a more appropriate attire as Rhaenyra helped me change in lighting speed. She buttoned up the gray clothing before I tied my two swords at my waist.

Rhaenyra put the fur cloak around my shoulders

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Rhaenyra put the fur cloak around my shoulders. The silver fur mixed with my silver hair. Both bright and glowing. I grabbed the bow and arrows by my door and left with Rhaenyra following behind.

"You won't be the one to execute him right?" She asked as we walked swiftly.

"I highly doubt it." I said as we exited the castle and entered the courtyard. The men were getting on their horses as Autumn was standing patiently for me.

"You won't last long. Will you?" She asked worriedly. I smiled at her as she tugged at the sleeves of her red dress.

"I don't think so dear sister." I said as I approached Autumn. I hooked my foot on the stirrup and gave a small jump before I pulled myself up. Rhaenyra took my bow and arrows and strapped them to the side.

"Be safe." She said as I fixed the cloak behind me.

"I will. I'll see you soon." I said to her as Uncle Ned looked at the group making sure everyone was there before leading the group out.

"Go inside." I told her as I started moving in a slow trot. I saw her take a few steps back before nodding and leaving.

"I heard you fell in a pit." I heard someone say next to me. I smiled already knowing who it was. I turned to see Cooper on his horse. He had a wide smile on his face.

I turned to my other side and saw Leonard. His face was red as he tried holding in laughter. I sighed before I threw my hands up. He began laughing but covered it up as a cough before laughing at a much lower volume.

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