Epilogue: Love You Forever

Start from the beginning

The thundering footsteps of a nearby titan grew closer as we rode. My brows furrowed in concentration, my grip on my blade tightening.


As it burst into view, I jumped. I could hear (Y/n) gasp as the titan charged at her. Before it could get close enough to harm her, I was already attacking. I swung in a wide arch around it, avoiding its outstretched hands. Then I went straight for the back of the next, determination glinting in my eyes. My blades cut deep into its flesh, causing it to fall to the ground with a loud crash.

I landed clumsily, nearly falling. I must've misjudged my landing.

I looked up, and my eyes met (Y/n)'s as she rode past me. Even though she didn't speak, I could see the gratitude in her (e/c) eyes.

A warm feeling spread through me.

(Y/n) is safe. I protected her.

There was a prideful smile on my face as I mounted my horse and urged it forward. This emotion was new, and rare for me. I followed along with the formation, keeping (Y/n) safe the whole time. Luckily, there weren't many titans...not where we were, anyway.

I heard that other sections weren't so lucky.

"Berty," (Y/n) called over her shoulder. "When we get home...if we get home...promise to come to my room, okay? I need to talk to you."

~ timeskip to after the expedition, since author-chan is feeling lazy ~

(Your POV)

There was a knock on the door - one I had heard so many times before. I smiled to myself and ran to open it. Even though there were many casualties during the expedition, including the entire Levi Squad, no one I personally knew had died. I wasn't really in the thick of things, but I had heard the rumors.

A titan had run straight through the ranks and tried to kidnap Eren. I overheard Armin saying something about it being a titan shifter, just like Eren was. Apparently, whoever this titan shifter was wiped out a large chunk of the survey corps. I was lucky to be on the opposite side of the formation. Bertholdt and I never even saw this 'Female Titan.' (lol that's what you think)

I opened the door to find Bertholdt standing there. A huge grin stretched across my face. "Berty!" I whispered, pulling him into a hug. "We're both alive!"

"I told you I wouldn't let anything hurt you."

"Thank goodness that Female Titan didn't come near us. I heard she kill a bunch of soldiers. I don't know who is controlling her, but I hope they find her."

Bertholdt stiffened. "Yeah, hopefully."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room. "C'mon...let's celebrate," I said, shutting and locking the door behind him. His face went red.


"You know what I mean," I said teasingly, and sat him down on my bed. "I want to celebrate the fact that we're still alive. You never know, one of us could end up being eaten someday. We need to do this while we still can." Even though I was grinning while I said this, there was a grim truth to my words. It was a truth I didn't want to think of.

"A-Alright, I guess y-your right, (Y/n)...."

I straddled him, kissing him passionately on the lips. When I pulled away we were both gasping for breath. I leaned over, so my lips brushed his ear. "Besides...I need to thank you for saving my life from that titan. Don't you want a reward, Berty?"

I bit his earlobe, and I felt him shudder.

"Y-Yes, (Y/n)," he whispered.

I smirked. "I thought you might.

Soon - after we had 'done it' - we were both laying in my bed, our breaths coming out in ragged pants. He had his arms around me, his nose buried in my hair. A layer of sweat covered his skin, making him seemingly sparkle in the dim candlelight. I let out a content sigh.

"I love you," I said quietly, closing my eyes. "I'm never leaving you."

"I'll never leave you, either," he said, his voice...sad? Why was he sad?

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, opening my eyes and turning so I was looking him in the eye. He looked away, which instantly sent off red flags. He always looked me in the eye. It was almost creepy how intently he would stare into them.

"Just...promise me, (Y/n). Promise me that you'll always love me, no matter what."

"Of course," I promised, but he didn't relax. I kissed his cheek, and he finally seemed to calm down a bit. I snuggled next to him once again. "Nothing will make me stop."

He didn't say anything, and I knew whatever was bugging him was still lingering on his mind. However, I didn't push it. I'm not sure what's got him so riled, but he had nothing to worry about. I'd always love him, no matter what.

~ The End ~

*wipes away tears* who the heck is cutting onions in here?

Anyway, that's the end. Sorry if it seems kind of rushed. I know, it's not the best, but I wasn't sure where I wanted to end this. This was the best, and (happiest) way I could think off, and it still made me cry. There just isn't a way to get a truly happy ending with this story.

Okay, I nearly said something. Yeah, no, not saying that.

Question: what season of AOT was your favorite?

I loved both, but overall I think season one is my favorite. Though, there were some really good episodes in season two.

(Oh, I have a quick shout-out! Thanks @EmmaFS07 for being so supportive of me! You totally made my day!)

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