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Camila was in front of the door.

She didn't know whether to barge in or knock.

It was a party, so wouldn't the door be unlocked?

What if a kidnapper or murder cane in?

But, if she knocked and it was unlocked that would be akward.

Her hands were sweating as she tried to find the courage to go inside.

She immediately regretted offering to pick Lauren up.

The house was loud and messy from what she could see.

She opened the door and found a bunch of sweaty bodies and drunk teens.

She went looking for Lauren and decided to text her.

She opened her contact and texted her.

Mila: wya?

Lauren: Outside. Laying on a tree

Camila suddenly felt kind of stupid. She spent about ten minutes looking for Lauren in the house, when Lauren was not in the house.

She walked outside and spotted Lauren.

Lauren catches her gaze and stands up.

"It was funny when you were debating on knocking or just opening the door."

Camila felt embarrassed, to say the least.

She was blushing so hard, she was sure she resembled a relative of a tomato.

"I was hoping you didn't see that..." She mumbled as Lauren laughed.

She said that, but honestly she forgot about it.

Lauren looked at her and laughed again.

"You're embarrassed?" She giggled.

Camila not wanting to admit she was, got defensive.

"No, I'm not! It's just really hot out here..." She protested, fanning herself with her hand for emphasis.

Lauren didn't seem impressed with her answer.

"You're blushing." Lauren smirked, causing Camila to turn even redder.

Camila smirked back.

She got an idea.

"If you don't stop I'm leaving you here."

Lauren's face dropped.

She really did not want to stay here.

She didn't know anyone and felt like a third wheel.

"I'll stop!" She quickly replied.

They made their way to Camila's car.

"Where to." Camila spoke in the deepest new jersey accent she could muster.

She was trying to impersonate an angry taxi driver but failed miserably.

Camila laughed at her failed attempt.

"We're going to Starbucks remember?" Lauren stated seriously, looking at her up and down.

Camila got embarrassed, yet again.

She didn't mean to seem like a forgetful airhead.

She continued to overthink the situation.

What if Lauren thought she was stupid or something?

Wait... Why does she care what Lauren thinks?

She doesn't care.

She noticed how flustered she must've looked like and tried to quickly think of an answer.

"I.. I know..." Camila embarrassingly muttered, putting her head down.

Her eyes refusing to meet Lauren's gaze.

Lauren unexpectedly laughs.

"I was just kidding. You should have seen your face."

Camila just laughs along and turns on the car engine.

"So, Starbucks it is." She chuckles, going to one nearby.



Since I Texted You (Camren) *SLOW UPDATES*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora