ship #9 savi x human squip

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Lol sorry i've been gone for a while I'm trying to maintain an order in this but its so hard when you have like 70 something request but I swear I'm trying to get back into a groove of doing one or two a day so here we Go!
Alrighty kiddo just like you requested I ship you with squip:

× he isnt the type of guy to like someone one like you

×but oh boy howdy did you change that

× you where really nice to him

×was like really confused on why though

×wouldn't stop thinking about you

×like he tried honest he did but he couldn't

× you where very hesitant when he wanted to be your friend

× "what are you doing?..."

× "I thought we could hang out and do friend stuff."

× "mmmmmmmm ok..."

× would take care of you no matter what

×boost your self confidence

× would calm your over thinking

× "everything is fine I swear nothing wi to wrong"

× "why would anything go wrong!?"

× "no sweetie that's not what I meant."

× " what could go wrong!? Wait what if-"

× "nothing will go wrong it's all going to be ok."

×little forhead,cheek kisses

× passionet kisses when he know you need a distraction from your thoughts

× suprise Oreos

× watching cartoons with you

×will use inccorect grammar just to upset you

×lives for your singing and dancing

×takes you to musicals and plays

×reads what you write with out premisson

× is kinda intimidated because he know you could kick his ass

× oof lives for the hight diffrence

×sweetie, doll, angel, love

×softy, babe, love

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