12. Dresden vs. James

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Julie ran all the way to her house, her fear slowly leaving her as she ran out of energy. Her body was shaking from the cold and her muscles were sore and achy. She didn't even think about her bruises. But when she came back and found her father sitting on the back porch expectantly, she flinched. She paused just before she reached him and quickly wiped her face. James hated the sight of tears.

She faced him, slowly walking up the steps to stand in front of him. Her hands were shaking and her body was freezing. From the cold or from fear, she couldn't tell. All she could think about was when did she become so scared?

If she could only have her wolf again, then she could face all of her fears. She could be herself again.

"And where are your brothers?" James asked, his deep voice hiding the anger that Julie knew was there. His eyes glanced over her ripped shirt and he bit his tongue in anger. Was she that stupid to go around showing off her bruised belly?

"They're with their new Alpha and new pack, sir. They said they'll come tomorrow to get their stuff." She answered, keeping her voice small and as steady as possible.

"And it took you this long to return because?" She shrugged, not having any answer that could convince him of the truth. She could say it was because her pack and her Alpha were celebrating and she hadn't recieved permission to return home. But she knew James would never believe her. No one would want a wolfless Were.

"I was saying goodbye, sir." She answered, looking down at her feet. She shouldn't have shrugged right away.

"And you didn't think of coming back to make me something to eat, did you?" She shook her head, feeling her body shake even more. She remembered when they had left and he was passed out. She cursed her timing. Couldn't he have waited until she had gotten home?

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again, sir." He nodded, staring hard at her. James had a punishment in mind for her. He tired of using the same old methods when they obviously weren't working well. And he knew that she had been bruised enough in places unseen although now he wonders if they remain unseen. He knew that if he were to harm her anymore in the same places, she would die and he'd have to deal with the mess that followed. He did not need the police or anyone else asking questions.

"Get inside and change. Then make dinner." She nodded quickly and walked pass him into the house. He stared off into the woods, looking to see if there had been anyone following her. When he was satisfied, he walked into the house and found her running from cabinet to cabinet, looking as flustered as ever.


Dresden watched from his spot on the edge of the woods, crouching low in the bushes, observing the house as closely as he could. It was a two story building that was covered in old yellow paint with white borders. The porch was old with chipped wood and through a tiny window, he could see his mate busying herself in the kitchen. He didn't hear her conversation with James nor has he seen the man yet. But he can smell the Alpha male's scent all over the place mixed with the stench of beer.

Julie began grilling chicken and sauteing vegetables together to make a good dish for her father. She hoped that if he enjoyed it enough, he'd forgive her and she would get a small punishment instead of one she knew he was planning. Sometimes, he'll even just give her a warning and let her go. It was all she could hope for on a night like this.

She finished cooking and brought it to the living room, disappearing from Dresden's sight. He heightened his senses and listened carefully for any kind of exchange.

"Chicken, huh?" The Alpha male asked, setting a can on an end table near him. Dresden heard Julie walk away and found her through the kitchen window, cleaning up her mess. Then she stood off the side and waited, looking nervous and frightened. The Alpha male called her then and she disappeared. He waited patiently until she returned, cleaning off a plate. She looked out the window towards him and sighed. He crouched lower, worried that might lose control as he watched a single tear roll down her cheek.

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