Unloved and Unwanted

Start from the beginning

I thought all of those things were something you could use right now. Nothing like a warm flower to cheer someone up. Really, I just wanted you to know that even though you don't know me outside of this notebook, I feel like I know you so well, and I always want to know you. Also, I want you to know that I'm here for you and you can always talk to me. Always.

Too, I am optimistic that we will be in each other's lives for a very long time. I don't know if that is presumptuous or not but I'd like to think that we will be. But I like you very much and I just wanted you to know that. I don't know if it's because we are friends or because I like you more than a friend but I want you to know that I like you and I can't stand the thought of someone hurting you.

You aren't wrong to want someone to love and be there for you and maybe you are looking in the wrong places for that love but that doesn't mean you are anything less than courageous. Some people never look to make changes in their life. But you, you have been so proactive in talking to me, working out your relationship with CC, and getting a girl. Maybe now you can fix your relationship with your dad too. You are someone to be admired.

On that note, I'd like to say that it's up to you if you want to give your father another chance. From what you said that guy seems like a piece of shit and I wouldn't bother but I know to you he is important. I just want to warn you to be careful. If someone was okay with breaking your heart once, they would be okay with doing it again.

Later gator,

Cautious and Weary

I read the letter multiple times, soaking in the loopy and curly scrawl of the writer. As I read and read this letter, I got an extremely dreadful but also fluttery feeling in my heart.

Was I making the right choice here?

Honestly up until this point, I had never once actually considered my feelings for the writer. I had always just assumed that I didn't have any. I mean who would have feelings for someone they can't see, who may not even be real. This could all be a cruel joke, a ploy to embarrass and make a fool out of me.

But nonetheless, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I read over the words 'I like you'.

I put the notebook down, quickly like it had burned my hand. I stepped away mentally and physically from the notebook.

I couldn't possibly like them. I couldn't.

I liked Caroline, that much I knew. I did right?

I knew that I liked kissing her, I knew that she made me feel wanted, and taking care of but who wouldn't right. But what did that mean for me and what did that mean for my possible feelings about the writer.

This isn't what I wanted when I started talking to the writer. I didn't want to become so close to them that I felt like they just knew me. That wasn't what I wanted at all. I wasn't seeking to find someone who understood me and wanted to be there for me. I just wanted someone to talk to.

But now it was possible that I had some amount of feelings for them too.

This was all ridiculous not only was I just working on my feelings for Dylan but Caroline too but now I had to add this writer to the mix.

What was most puzzling was that I just couldn't shake the feeling like I knew the writer. I don't know how but I did. Was this person someone that I was close to? If so what was their game? What was their reason for continuing to talk to me like a friend would? Or even admitting to liking me. Could they just like me back?

It could have been Caroline if I was honest with myself. Maybe this was just her way of getting to know me on a deeper level then what our relationship was right now outside of the notebook. Our relationship had gone from friends to flirty to dating shortly after I had started writing these letters to the writer. Maybe Caroline answered my letter, realized I was someone worth knowing so she got to know me in real life as well. That made a lot of sense to me. I was only having feelings for this writer because they were so familiar to me and I knew them. It was Caroline.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now