Davis Motomiya - Forehead Kiss

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It was just another day at school for the DigiDestined. Cody was reading aloud in his English class, Yolei was concocting another scientific experiment… which proceeded to blow up in her face. And T.K., Kari, Davis, and [Name] were in gym class. Yup, all was normal and serene.


Well, for the most part anyway…

“Kari, you stepped on my foot!”

“Sorry about that [Name],” Kari apologized with a sheepish smile.

[Name] sighed in aggravation, nursing her throbbing foot.

“This is why I hate gym class. Why can’t we play basketball with the boys? I’d rather shoot some hoops than spin around like some stupid ballerina,” [Name] grumbled under her breath.

“At least we get to watch them play.” Kari shrugged her shoulders, glancing over at the boys standing on the other side of the gym.

“That doesn’t make me feel any better. Davis and T.K. don’t know how lucky they’ve got it.”

[Name] and Kari watched with the rest of their female classmates as the boys warmed up for their basketball game.

“Alright, nothing but the net,” Davis bragged, twirling the basketball on his finger.

“I didn’t think it was possible for Davis’s ego to get any bigger than it already is.” [Name] rolled her eyes in annoyance as Davis proceeded to boast about how great he was at soccer and basketball.

“Well, that’s Davis for ya.” Kari giggled.

Despite [Name]’s distaste for Davis’s display of arrogance and impulsive behavior, Kari knew as well as everyone else that [Name] had a bit of a crush on Davis… except for Davis that is. [Name] didn’t hold a grudge against Kari just because Davis liked the brunette, but she couldn’t help but feel a little envious of her. Who wouldn’t in her position?

“So you gonna cheer for Davis?” Kari smiled playfully at [Name] who scowled and blushed at Kari’s teasing.

“Don’t even go there.” [Name] frowned indignantly.

Kari giggled before turning her eyes towards the boys again. “Go T.K.!” Kari shouted, waving a hand in his direction.

The girls watched as the gym teacher held the ball at the center of the gym floor, his whistle nestled between his lips.

“Don’t break a leg out there Davis!” [Name] shouted, shooting a smirk in his direction.

“Gee, thanks for the moral support, [Name],” Davis mumbled sarcastically under his breath, positioning himself on the court.

Davis didn’t know why [Name] gave him such a hard time sometimes. There were days when she seemed angry at him for no reason… or so he thought. And there were other days where she was nice and helpful to him when nobody else was. Like the time she let him copy her homework when he forgot to do his, or giving him half of her bento when he wanted more to eat for lunch. Overall, Davis considered [Name] to be a really good friend, but sometimes she was just downright confusing.

‘I don’t think I’ll ever understand girls,’ Davis thought.

As the basketball was tossed in the air, T.K. caught the ball and dribbled it down the court. Davis quickly headed towards T.K. to attempt to steal the ball, but the blond easily evaded him and shot the ball into the basket. The girls cheered for T.K., with the exception of [Name] who was staring at the annoyed looking Davis.

“C’mon you guys, you gotta learn to pass the ball!” Davis shouted at his teammates.

Davis caught the ball once it was thrown to him and he proceeded to dribble it down the court in the same fashion T.K. had just done. He suddenly tripped and fell onto the gym floor, losing his grip on the ball.

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