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"Hey Mav! Let's go deeper into the woods!" A busty tall blonde suggests to a shorter more timid blonde.

"What? Layla, we have never been deeper then a few trees"

"Exactly! Let's live on the edge!"

The shorter blonde, known as Mavis thought a moment.

"I don't know...."

"Oh come on!"

Layla was persistent, and Mavis was persuaded easily.


"Yay! Finally. Let's go!"

Layla grabbed hold of Mavis's wrist and ran like her life depended on it.

They kept running until they hit a river bed.

The sky was a little darker then before.

"We should head back soon, Zeref might get worried" Mavis said as she looked at the stars.

"Oh relax, your boyfriend will be fine, you will be fine. I just wanted to come to show you something"

Layla then began to sing. She held her hands in front of her and sang louder. Light began to appear in front of her.

Mavis looked in awe.

"Wow! So your a magic user?"

Layla simply nodded.

Layla then lifted her hands, calling for a star.

"I've never tried this before!" Layla shouted and began singing again.

A star flew down.

At first it looked like a shooting star.

But the closer it got, the faster it went, until it was plummeting down to the girls.

Mavis looked at were the star was heading.

It looked to be heading towards Layla's head.

"No!" Mavis shouted as the star grew closer.

Mavis pushed Layla out of the way, only to be hit by the star.

Layla looked wide eyed.

The bush started to move and out came an angry looking Zeref.


"Zeref? You were here the entire time?" Layla asked in disbelief.

"No! Only for when my future queen died!"

"I didn't mean to!" Layla exclaimed as her arm was in the hands of and angry prince.

"I'll kill you!" Zeref shouted.

"No!" Layla said as she was then emerged into the water.

"Zeref! No!" A angry blonde boy said.

Zeref then released his hold on the choking blonde.

"Jude...get this..." Zeref then looked at Layla. Layla's once pink dress was dirty with dirt and was wet. "Get this murder out of my sight, if I ever see her again! I'll kill your love"

Jude nodded and looked at Layla for an explanation. But Layla was passed out cold.

"Understood" Jude simply answered.

"And let it be known, your future child will either be my future slave or wife....depending on its sex"

Jude with no words nodded his head. He didn't think for second of what the prince said to him.

"Yes, your highness"

And ever since that day.

Jude promised King Zeref of Magnolia his future daughters hand in marriage when she turns 18.


The Light To My Darkness (Nalu) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now