Chapter 2: Prophecy

Começar do início

It was a letter. Dumbledore continued. "It said to watch out for a man who looks to be a Death Eater, but is not. And it said to hire him for the year."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow, "What?"

He came closer to Dumbledore and gestured to take the letter, "May I?"

Dumbledore nodded and gave the Doctor the letter. The Doctor swiftly put his glasses on and read the letter.

'Dear, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,

I am here (Well, I'm not actually here) to tell you that in the coming year, a certain man who looks to be a Death Eater shall appear. Now you won't trust him in the beginning (Really, act like you don't trust him, don't tell the other professors though), but you will eventually get to trust him. Please offer him the position of Astronomy professor. I think he'll appreciate it!

Big fan of Dumbledore.'

"I guess I'll be here a while, huh?" The Doctor muttered, knowing exactly where or who this letter came from.

"So, will you?" Dumbledore asked.

"You're just going to trust me?" The Doctor asked back, raising his other eyebrow.

"A letter turns up in my office after a member of the staff wins a lottery ticket, only to find that the letter was a very accurate prediction, and knowing that you are very different from the Barty Jr. I know. I think I can trust you," Dumbledore stated, but then he chuckled, "Unfortunately I can't act like I do completely trust you, I think I'll need to follow what the letter said."

"Then, yes," The Doctor said, he raised his voice and exclaimed, "Of course I will! It'll be a pleasure!"

Soon after, Dumbledore finished up and exited the room. The Doctor still had a grin on his face, a slight air of giddiness emanated from him. He was tapping his foot, and he had his fists clenched in his pockets. With a big smiled upon his face he said, "Oh, I really can't wait now!"

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the night passed. The sun rose from the east as it always did. The Doctor did not sleep at all, he was too excited, he spent most of the night daydreaming, or was nightdreaming? Wouldn't that just be normal dreaming? But, he wasn't asleep, oh well never mind, it was day time now!

The Doctor stood from his bed, cleaned up once more then he put on his coat. As soon as he walked out, a gust of wind hit his face. The breeze of fresh air that you don't get very much of when travelling in the busy streets of London. He took a deep breath and said with his arms stretched out to the sides, "Ah... new day, new air!"

"Good morning, Professor Smith," McGonagall greeted, the word 'Professor' came out in a macking way, she eyed him like an eagle, suspicion written all over her face,

"Finally awake are you?" And immediately afterward, she left the Doctor to his own business.

The Doctor just sighed, it was very understandable that McGonagall was suspicious of him, he just hoped it wouldn't ruin his trip to the Wizarding World. After all, it wasn't something that you could do on a day-to-day basis, traveling into a different universe. Then, he grinned again, "I'm a professor of Hogwarts now. Ha!"

The Doctor walked down to the Great Hall. At the time, it only had a couple of people inside it. Most were staff members, and the students who were there were mostly prefects. The prefects were all seemingly watching the Doctor as he strolled through the Great Hall nonchalantly, as if he were a Death Eater, which as far as they were concerned, he was indeed one.

As it came into clearer view, it was apparent that there were more than just staff members at the long table upfront. There was also a member of the Ministry, who, of course, was here for the Triwizard Tournament. He currently had his back toward the Doctor. After sometime, when the Doctor got closer, the man finally turned around, only to immediately yell, "Barty!" His stance promptly shifted to a defensive pose, hands ready to grab his wand if needed.

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora