And I hope I never see the day, that you move on and be happy without me.
Jimin was confused as hell. The previous day, they were talking about their problems and settling it through.
Then the next, they were fighting and shouting again. The worse thing was that Jungkook asked for something Jimin won't give.++++Third Person++++
Jimin woke up to an empty bed, his hands roaming on the empty space. Then he remembers what happened last night, and that brought a smile to climb up his face. His heart couldn't feel more free and his mind couldn't be more serene.
Jungkook must've left early. Jimin thought and picked himself up from the bed to shower.
After putting on his shirt for work, he went out to the kitchen and cooked for himself.
Jungkook hasn't cook for me, not even once. Jimin thought, but quickly dismiss it, not wanting to ruin his good mood.
Jimin couldn't remove the smile on his face, and he's glad for that. He arrived at work and started doing the project that his boss gave to him. Being the best in their company, Jimin finished it quickly. It was perfect timing for Tae to come in, once he was done and was fixing his office.
"Hi Tae!"
"Hey" The younger said. Ever since Tae entered, he has this big smile on his face and was squealing like a fangirl.
"What's got you so giddy?" The shorter male asked.
"Oh nothing. It's just that...Hobi texted me last night and.......and we sorta confessed when he got mad about seeing us together." He said and squealed even more.
"Hahaha. Wow, I guess your plan worked."
"I know. Kim Taehyung's a genius." Tae stated with a smirk and pointing to himself.
"Kim Taehyung and genius shouldn't be put in one sentence."
"There you go again with your insulting remarks. I hate you." Tae said with a pout and crossed his arms.
"I was kidding Tae...Slightly." The elder giggled after saying that.
"Don't need to defend yourself when you're gonna insult me again."
"Hahaha" the elder just burst out laughing and Tae rolled his eyes with the immaturity of his best friend.
"Are you stopping any minute now?"
"Yeah. Yeah. It's just that hahahahaha" Tae's pout never left his face and narrowed his eyes.
"You know, I'll just leave."
"Wait. Tae. Hahaha. Okay, I'll stop now." Jimin said while wiping the tears of joy that gathered in his eyes.
"Okay. I won't laugh anymore."
Tae just stood there, arms still crossed and lips pouting.
"Anywaaaaaaay." Jimin said prolonging the 'ay'
"So. You and Hobi, huh!"
"You're lucky you're my only best friend." Tae said and seated himself at one of Jimin's chair near his desk.

Tell Me You Love Me || JiKook [Completed]
Short StoryLove endures when the heart doubts. *Republish February 22, 2020