And all my friends, they know when it show. I don't know who I am without you. I got it bad, baby.
Their lives were going on a rollercoaster right now. No words could describe what both of them are feeling. Happiness? No. Loneliness? No. Undecided? A little bit. Regrets? Maybe.++++Jimin++++
That morning was very unusual to me. It all happened really really quick.
The next thing I know, is that I was succumbing to Jungkook's comfort as I hardly feel it these days. Nevertheless, i was thankful. Thankful that my mind somehow received answers. Answers to questions that haunts my mind whenever I think of our status. I know for sure that Jungkook loves me, I love him too. And somehow, in a way, that love is eating me from the inside out."When was the last time you freed yourself. I mean, when was the last time that you gave yourself a pat in the back, or treat yourself for doing something successfully?" Taehyung asked once I sat in my office, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Ummmm...I-I actually c-can't remember." I replied shamefully.
He was right, I have not gave myself a break from all the work. I have not gave myself a moment to relieve myself from the stress, from my job and from my personal life.
"I know. That's why I'm asking you. Now, why don't you get your ass up later and come with me for lunch. My treat." Taehyung exclaimed showing his boxy smile.
"Really? This...seems...unusual." I replied with a low giggle. He fake gasp and put his hand on his chest, where his heart should be.
"Wow. I feel insulted." I can't help but laugh at that remark, no wonder why he's my best friend. He always found a way to cheer me up.
"No...but seriously. Why treat me all of a sudden? I know you're not just concern about me." I say and he fake gasped again.
"You're going too far now, Park Jimin. When did you learn to use words to hurt me?. You're usually not smart with words."
"Yah! Now you're the one insulting me." I quickly defended myself and we chuckled afterwards.
Tae was about to say something when there was a knock on my door and I yelled to let himself in and revealed Hoseok, after he entered, Taehyung quickly excused himself to go to the bathroom and left my office.
"Hi! Umm, the boss wants you to edit these papers. He said it's a 'Park Jimin thing', only done possibly by you." Hoseok handed me a thick folder. They were pictures of characters for a cartoon. I'm working as an animator, and I'm the best here (not to brag) so no wonder the boss said that it's a 'Park Jimin thing', I just usually do some things better than everyone else.
"Oh okay, thank you." I replied and he turned around and went out.
I can do that later. I thought to myself. It's gonna be easy, so no need to rush.
As soon as I set the papers in the drawer, I quickly returned to the train of thought which I lost when Hoseok entered.
'You're usually not smart with words'. That statement Tae said kept repeating in my head.

Tell Me You Love Me || JiKook [Completed]
Short StoryLove endures when the heart doubts. *Republish February 22, 2020