Selena, Harry, Demi, and Liam came in the car with me while Louis, Niall, Eleanor, Taylor went into the other car.


As we pulled up to Maggiano's Little Italy and that's when I heard a squeal in the from Selena. I chose this place because not only does it have great food and the inside interior is beautiful. I also did it because I can make two girls happy in on night, which is good on my end.

"Oh my gosh! Yay!" Selena says grabbing a hold of my forearm and squeezing the living shit out of it. Ouch but I'll let it slide.

"Yea I thought I should please two of the most important women to me" I say.

"Aww so sweet isn't Selena" Harry chimes in. She glares at him as he just smirks before we all exited the car.

"Yea, but Zayn you didn't have to" Selena says still smiling.

"Yeah I know but I wanted too" I say as we make our way into the restaurant to be greeted by the hostess.

"Mr. Malik, Ms. Gomez I see your back," he smiles at us. "Uh your here for that engagement party right, table for 10" he says and I nod and he takes us to the back of the restaurant, so if we get loud we won't disturb the other guess.

"I can't wait to eat" I heard Naill behind me and we all start to laugh we sit down at our table and just started talking while we wait for Perrie.

"So when is Perrie coming?" Selena asked.

"Right about now" I look at my watch and then back up and that's when I looked up I saw her my hopefully future wife. She looked stunning in a white dress that was cut in the back and pink heals with her blond hair with the pink die at the end. Her makeup was flawless and she was just heart stopping.

"Hey guys" she greets and then kisses me and everyone at the table makes the disgust sound and we just laugh.

"Babe you look amazing" I say and she blushes.

"Aw baby, so do you" she says and everyone is staring at us blankly.

"So what's on this menu" Selena says not looking at me anymore. Did I do something wrong?

"Yeah let's" Niall jumps in.

Our waiter came and we all order different foods off the menu and ever since Perrie came Selena hasn't said one word to me. What the hell did I do?

"Hey you okay?" I ask elbowing her and she nods still not talking and still not making eye contact.

"Babe let's take a selfie" Perrie asked pulling me towards her and we take a picture with one another.

Selena's POV

Uh, she annoys me. He annoys me because he's all happy with her and I'm just like... I have to fake being happy because I can't admit my feelings. Man do I hate Perrie for coming into Zayn's life and stealing my man from me.

"Hey you okay?" Demi asked from across the table, breaking me from my hatred thoughts on Perrie.

"Yeah I'm fine" I sigh in frustration of being asked this questioned a second time. Don't they know how much they annoy me.

Our waiter comes with our food. Finally. And we start eating, still talking to one another about our day, or how were feeling at the moment, until Zayn quiets us down.

"Um excuse me" Zayn says clacking his fork to his glass.

Finally he gets this over with I'm tired of being here with the newly engage couple.

Bestfriends {Zaylena} #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now