My good mood went away as I saw them. They were like that all the time, always touching in some way, always close, always sharing everything. It made me sick. Sick of pure jealousy.

I turned around again and focused on Mila, who was having a great time with some random bloke. I took a deep breath and walked towards her. Maybe we could have a good time, we didn’t necessary have to be there in a date, and we could be there like normal people, even friends.

When I got next to her, Mila looked up at me and her smiled disappeared. Yeah, I knew she didn’t like me. I didn’t blame her, though; I knew I acted like a dick. “Sorry,” I told her and she just raised an eyebrow. The boy next to her was staring at us a bit confused. “I wasn’t nice before,” I added.

“You don’t say,” she commented and I couldn’t help it, a smile drew on my face. I liked her sarcasm; it was kind of refreshing. “And now you’re here, out of your own will. It has nothing to do with Alex lecturing you, right?” I smiled but I felt the familiar warm in my cheeks telling me I was blushing.

“She helped me to realise I was being a jerk.”

“Again, you don’t say…” In that occasion even the lad next to her laughed and my cheeks really burnt. I felt all shy again, like all that confidence I’d gained with being in the band with the lads had just vaporised and I was the same old Zayn all over again.

“May we start again?” I asked feeling really uncomfortable for the whole situation. “Plus, I wasn’t that bad.”

“No, you just were rude and refused to give me a chance. That’s not that bad.” And my cheeks burnt even more. Saying like that it really sounded awful. “But I believe in second chances, plus, I understand why you acted like that.” She took a little peek to where Niall and Alex were, though I refused to look. Yes, she knew the real reason why I was there and Alex’s plan.

Mila looked at the bloke next to her and probably he understood he wasn’t needed anymore, so he just nodded and shrugged as he walked away. “Why hello there, you random stranger. I’m Camila Green but if you ever call me Camila, I will slaughter you in your dream. Just Mila if you appreciate your life,” she introduced herself holding her hand. I chuckled because she said all that with such a sweet and innocent tone.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Zayn Malik,” I followed her game and shook her hand.

“Oh, that name rings a bell. Are you from that boy-band One Direction?” I couldn’t stop smiling at her fake surprised expression.

“Why yes, I’m Zayn of One Direction. Wanna an autograph?” I replied cheekily and she chuckled.

“Sure, I bet I can sell it later,” she mused with a shrug.

I stayed with her and it wasn’t that bad. She mocked me a lot; it was incredible how she could find something to tease me in almost everything I said. Well, it wasn’t that difficult if you add to the equation that I was a bit tipsy and so was she. By the end of the night we were laughing at everything. We looked like a couple of crazy people, but we were having so much fun and for once, it didn’t bother me seeing Niall and Alex being all lovey-dovey with each other.

“Mila, you’re so drunk! And, mojitos!? You’re so gonna regret this tomorrow morning,” Alex told the black-haired girl who was leaning on me, still laughing at something I said.

“Moni will come for me! I have to call her though… where’s my phone?” She started to pat her pockets looking for the gadget. “Fuck, why do I always lose that bloody thing?” She kept looking for it and I laughed at her. “Don’t you dare to laugh at me! This is serious shit! I need my phone or I’ll be stuck here!”

“Don’t you know her number? I can lend you my phone,” Alex offered. She was the only ‘sober’ of the group. Niall wasn’t any better than Mila and I together.

“Sure, and I also remember all the theories I learned last year.” She gave her a blank look at Alex, who just laughed. “What do you think I am? Plus, I can’t think with so much alcohol in my body! I know, call me, maybe we can hear it or feel it.”

Still laughing, Alex took her own phone and dialled Mila’s number. The girl had such a serious expression, so concentrated and I couldn’t help myself and clapped as loud as possible in front of her face. She jumped like a cat in cartoons and I burst out laughing. “You dick! You can’t do that to me!” She yelled but I barely heard her as I was still laughing. “Oh, my phone. Yay!” She added forgetting about me and what I did because she found out she was sitting on her mobile.

Niall was cracking up laughing at Mila and even Alex had an amused expression. I didn’t remember why I was so against this whole idea at the beginning. I was having so much fun and despite my feelings for Alex, I still could enjoy myself with them in front of me.

Moniiiiiiiiii,” Mila said holding the mobile phone against her ear and extending the last vowel. “Yes, I know but it’s no fun if you don’t drink when you clubbing.” She stopped to hear what her friend was telling her. “That’s why I need you! May you, please, pretty please, come for me? I’ll bake you cupcakes.” Two seconds passed and then Mila said, “Yay! I love you.” And she hung up and looked at us with a huge smile. She had a very nice smile, it was warm and cute and friendly and invited you to smile, as well. I liked her smile. “She’s coming for me,” she told us biting her lower lip in a very childish way.

So we stayed there until her friend got to the club. After many more drinks and so much more laughter, Mila got a text that took her long to read as I kept bumping to her shoulder to distract her. “Stop it! Moni says she’s outside and that she’s not coming in. So, this is me leaving.” She stood and for a moment it was like she was about to fall, so I quickly stood up too and grabbed her elbow. “I’m okay. Don’t worry. I had fun, thank you all!”

“Zayn, walk her out the club,” Alex commanded me and I nodded. Two drunks should be better than one, right?

“Wait!” I called after her as she was already making her way out of the club. Mila stopped and looked at me a tad bit confused, but at the end she just shrugged. “I really had fun tonight. Sorry again for how we started.”

“Yeah, it must be hard that the girl you like is with your best mate,” she commented and I tensed up. “But seriously, you should forget about her. It’s not healthy and it’s so evident.”

“You don’t know anything about it!” I snapped. I just met her; she didn’t have the right to talk about this.

“I don’t have to. I see the way you look at her and the way she looks at Niall. The only one who gets hurt here is you.”

“And shall I forget about her with whom? You?” I didn’t know why I was acting so defensive, but I couldn’t help it.

“No! I’m not anyone’s rebound or whatever! I’m not a bloody piece in this stupid game. It’s your problem, not mine, so fuck off and leave me alone. Okay?” She snapped back at me and I really saw the anger in her eyes and a hurt expression. I wondered if she really knew about Alex’s plan? Maybe she had been pushed into this whole situation as well. “You just had to ruin this night, right? Popstars… always thinking that everything turns around them. Ugh!”

She didn’t say anything else, she just walked away leaving me there still confused and wondering so many things at the same time.


Thank you everyone for reading and voting and commenting. I received the most wonderful comments in the last chapter and picking my favourite was so hard. So this chapter is dedicated to @I_Triangle_U, a crazy and so funny reader who also loves Muse! Yay! 

Bel, xx!

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