Tom's first day of school

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Janna Likes messing with Marco: Tom's first day of school

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the plot line.
A.N. I am back and no I did not die! I am so sorry I really did mean to update in November, December, and January, and February, but I did not have time. A lot has happened. From now on I am going to dedicate a chapter to a random country that has people who read my story. This chapter is dedicated to all my readers in South Africa. A shout out to all the people who commented on my last few chapters, both the new and returning readers. You are all so inspiring and you are the reason I continue this story and do something I love. You all give me the confidence to continue my writing. I do not have art this chapter because I want something to be made for this fanfic. If you are interested in being my artist the spot is still open. Thanks to all those who have already shown interest in being my artist. Also big thanks to mags_cutiepie for being my beta tester. And because I was so late I missed a birthday, but I would still like to shout out to @StillNotGuilty happy birthday and thanks for reading.

What was happening? "Ahhh!" Tom yelled and rolled off the top bunk of the bed. "What is that sound," Tom screamed while looking around his eyes full of panic. He had scrambled off the floor and I couldn't help, but chuckle. Getting off my bed I turned off the alarm. "Relax Tom it is just my Alarm," I said while chuckling. Tom looked around, his eyes still full of panic, "Why did it go off did something happen? Did some break in?" Aww he was really cute," Tom calm down I set it myself to go off at this time so it would wake up." "Why didn't the servants wa.... never mind" I giggled again and I couldn't stop staring at him. He had really cute bed head and his pajamas are ruffled. Realizing the alarm was still going off I bent over him to turn it off. He stiffens and as I pull away I realize how close we are. I couldn't stop looking into his eyes. We were stuck there for a while and then there was the sound of something hitting the ground and we both looked away. His voice broke the silence, "What was that what that?!" I looked up and said,"Ohh it was probably Star she falls off the bed often." He laughed we were looking into each other's eyes again. He spoke again, but this time it was almost a whisper, "You know I don't love her anymore. I care about her like a friend, but I don't see her romantically and I haven't for a while. I was just chasing the idea of Star." We both were really red and looked away. "I am sorry, I don't know why I told you that." "W-w-we s-sh-should get ready for school," I stammered out. We both get up and start getting ready for the day. Tom started to take off his shirt and my face got even redder. I started to get ready to, but I couldn't help myself from staring every now and then. When we finished getting ready, I helped Tom pack his bag. Wait what are we going to do about the ring? Everyone just thinks we are going out not engaged. Tom looked went a draw and pulled some fingerless gloves. "Here take these. No one will know." We went down to the kitchen to get food. Tom got the kitchen first and just stood there awkwardly. This is going to take a while for him to get used to. I walked past him got out two bowls and poured some frosted flakes and added milk. I got to spoons and set them down on the table."Here eat this, it's good." "Umm, Okay thanks." He walks slowly over and sits down. We eat in silence for a while.
Star burst through the door. She pours herself some cereal and starts talking to Tom, but I am not paying attention. I could not get what Tom had just said to me out of my head. Why would he say that? Does it mean that I have a chance? Does that mean I am gay? I like Tom, Star helped me come to this conclusion yesterday, but I just don't know. I have never felt this way about anyone, not even Jackie. They finish eating breakfast and leave the house and start walking to school. I was in my own little world wondering if Tom liked him or not and before he knew it they were walking up the steps to Echo Creek Academy. I stopped walking and Tom turned back to look at him, "Marco what's up? You barely even talked on the way here and now your not even moving." "I don't think I can do this." This time Star spoke up,"Do what? Go to school? What about your perfect attendance record?" I took a deep breath, "I can't do it. I can't go in their and see those faces. I can't handle them judging me." Marco was shaking and Tom stepped forward. Tom raised his hand and grabbed Marco's shoulder and pulled him into a firm embrace. He whispered gently into my ear, "Don't worry I am going to be with you the whole day. If anyone even looks at you in the wrong way I will beat them up. You are going to be the ruler of an entire dimension. No matter what they say, you are amazing. They are just jealous of you and you did nothing wrong so they can just get over themselves." I hugged him tightly and whispered back,"Thank you." We pulled apart and suddenly remembered where they were and realized what we had done. Star was smiling saying, "So cute." And a couple of people were staring at us. We blushed and looked away. I pushed past Star and Tom and lead the way to our class. The bell rang and I just realized how late were. I grabbed Star's wrist and Toms' hand and ran to the classroom. We made it just in time and all eyes were on us. I dragged us to our seats and we sat down. I looked up and I was surprised to see Mr.London standing in the center of the room. What was weird though was tom had a surprised and confused look on his face
Well hello everyone I just want to say that I will be staying for longer than anticipated. We have a new student here today and expect you all treat master Tom with the utmost respect. 'Master Tom? Why did he call Tom master? He wouldn't, would he? Nope, that is certainly something Tom would do." Raising my hand I spoke without even being called upon,"So Mr.London, how do you know Tom? I was just wondering how long you have to work for him and did he tell you to stay or are you under orders of someone else." It was a gamble, but I was pretty sure I was right. Tom was looking at me with surprised praise. "Ahh master Marco, you really are observant. My boyfriend was not lying when he said that you were able to figure out he was working for Master Tom after a short talk to him. To answer your question, Master Tom did tell me to keep an eye on you last week, but this time I am under orders from Tom's parents to watch you two and keep you two safe. I do want to commend you I would have never guessed the real reason you asked to watch Marco. If you don't mind me asking Master Marco how did you know I was working for the Lucitors?" I blushed at the attention and I could feel all eyes on me,"Well you called Tom Master Tom and Tom was shocked to see you. I also tend to be on guard a lot." A last minute thought entered my mind,"And Tom I fight monsters all the time. I told you I can handle myself you don't need to send people to keep an eye on me even though I am his boyfriend." Tom blushed and looked away and Mr.London looked confused. I motioned with my head around the class. "Ohh, Well let's get the lesson started, we have wasted enough time already." The rest of the day went by pretty normal at break the stuck to themselves and went over their plan. In the end, they decided to pretend not to know that Janna's pictures were fakes. Jackie came over and congratulate them on their "relationship" and Janna came over to see if we were actually a couple and I loved the look of shock on her face. Things did not go bad until lunch time.
By the time we had got our food everyone was already at our table. "Um hey guys, this is Tom he is my...... boyfriend. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner about Tom it was a secret even our parents didn't know." All eyes turned to Janna and they start to give her beef. As much as I would like for Janna to get punished for what she did, it was too late now. "Guys stop it. She was just tired of me complaining to her that I wanted to come out. It was my fault I should have known she doesn't do anything halfway and when I asked her to tell people for me." Tom gave me a weird look but I gave him a nod telling him it was alright. We sat down to eat and Ferguson spoke up," Why her and not us. Why did you tell Janna and not us? I thought we were your best friends?" I gulped down my bite,"We are, I didn't tell Janna she found out. You know how impossible it hides something from her." "Okay I understand, just promise no more secrets. Nice gloves by the way." "Okaaay, thanks there Tom's" I whispered out. I hated lying to them, but they didn't need to know this. After that tensions started to lower. Everything was going well I could feel the bond weakly through the ring. It was weird, but not bad it didn't force me to feel anything. The only thing it did was allow me to know what Tom wanted before he said anything and vice a versa. Jackie was the one who spoke up next, "You guys are so cute! You always know when one of you needs a napkin or if they need the salt it is always in the others hand before they ask. You should kiss." Soon everyone was chanting kiss. I would have loved to kiss again, but not in front of so many people and Tom probably wouldn't want to. I was really freaking out and had no idea what to do when Star came to the rescue, "They can't because in Tom's dimensions a kiss is a marriage proposal and because he is royal they even get a magic ring that binds their souls and blah blah blah. I prefer my magic wand, but yeah that is why they can't kiss." I was so happy and proud of Star until Jackie spoke up, "I don't mean to be nosey, but didn't you kiss in the pictures?" Janna was about to speak up and I could tell she was going to say that they were fake, but Ferguson reached over and pulled off my glove. The people at the table and the people who had gathered around it gasped. Ferguson spoke up first,"Why dude I thought we were friends you just said that you wouldn't keep any more lies. How could you?" I just stat their because I deserved it. Tom was getting mad though. "Hey shut up. You have no idea why Marco had to keep our engagement a secret. You have no idea what the guilt was doing to him." I began to try and calm him down, "Tom..", but I was interrupted. "Ohh shut up. I never even heard of you until last Friday. How do I even know Marco is really gay. You probably pressured him into. You monster demon fag freak." That was it he could say anything he wanted to me, but Tom was off limits.
"Shut up. I know I probably should have let you know, but it is none of your business. I am the one who kept secrets from you guys. I like guys and Tom is my fiance deal with it. You can say anything to me, but keep Tom out of it. If I hear anyone say anything rude to Tom they will have to deal me,"I slammed my hand on the table and fire flew from by hand to the table. So fast I could barely understand what was happening Tom grabbed me and pulled out of the way. He put his hand on the table and the fire gathered to it. Everyone gasped seeing the fire liking his hand. I was in shock, not because of the fire in his hand, but because that fire came out of my hands. I could have seriously hurt someone. I had to get out, so I ran. I could vaguely hear someone calling my name. By the time I stopped running I was at a dead end. I leaned up against the wall to catch my breath. Looking down out my hand I was surprised to see that the ring was a blood red, but as a calmed down the color faded away. I soon heard footsteps and I looked up to see Tom standing there. Before I could say anything grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Everything is going to be okay. You did nothing wrong. I told you would get access to my powers. I just did not think it would be this soon. This is my fault for not helping you." My hands lay by my sides, but I soon grabbed him and pulled him tighter. "No, it not your fault. I shouldn't have got so worked up" Tom pulled his head away,"You have every right to feel no matter what your feelings are."We stared into each other's eyes for a while then Tom began lean down and I closed my eyes and soon our lips connected. I never felt something so perfect in my life. His tongue soon asked for entrance into my mouth and I let him. We pulled away and just stayed in each other's arms.
The rest of the day Tom and I just kept to ourselves. Walking home Tom walked hand in hand and Star looked over and gave me a thumbs up. I don't know if I am gay, but I do know I really like Tom and more than just friends. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a nagging thought kept bugging me. Something I tried to keep locked down. A part of myself which I try to deny, but it is harder and harder. That night when I dreamt it was like the last dream where I told Tom that I only liked Star as a friend, but different. Instead, I was dressed like Princess Marco. Tom stepped up to me and said, "I love you, Marco, no matter if you're a girl one day and a boy the next." I looked down again and I was a boy again, but it felt wrong. Somewhere in my mind I knew yesterday I was a boy, but today I am a girl. My formed changed back to a girl and we kissed. The dream ended and I woke up to the sound of the alarm.

A.N. Hey finally done with this chapter. Check out my new youtube channel. I have texting fanfics on there and if asked I will read some of my stories on their like an audiobook. I will try to update more so hopefully the next chapter will come soon. Before I go I just want to say OMG thank you all for your support and I already have more than 3k reads and that is more than I ever thought possible so thank you.
Until next time.

Janna likes messing with Marco  tomcoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt